Full Commission Meetings (2023)
January 25, 2023 - Commission Meeting Agenda- (PDF)
Approved Meeting Minutes - (PDF)
Supporting Documents:
Item 10: Presentation: Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, Robert’s Rule of Order, and CCDA Bylaws
10a – Commissioner Ben Conway’s Bio (PDF)
10b – Guide: Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (PDF)
10c – Cheat Sheet: Robert’s Rule of Order (PDF)
10d – CCDA Bylaws (as of 2023) (PDF)
April 19, 2023 - Commission Meeting Agenda - (PDF)
Approved Meeting Minutes - (PDF)
Supporting Documents:
Item 4: CCDA's New Commissioner Sarahann Shapiro Biography (PDF)
Item 5: CCDA's New Legislative Affiliates
5a - Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (PDF)
5b - Assemblymember Juan Alanis (PDF)
5c - Assemblymember Matt Haney (PDF)
Item 14: Legislative Bill Tracking (PDF)
July 26, 2023 - Commission Meeting Agenda - (PDF)
Approved Meeting Minutes - (PDF)
Supporting Documents:
Item 9: Accessibility for California Healthcare Services
9a - Presenter #1: Bill Zelmer Biography (PDF)
Item 10: Legislative Bill Reporting (PDF)
Item 13: Equity and CCDA (PDF)
Item 17: Disability Access and Education Revolving Fund Presentation
17a - Presenter #1: Commissioner Ida Clair Biography (PDF)
17b - Presenter #2: Andrew Smother Biography (PDF)
17c - Presenter #3: Mehdi Shadyab (PDF)
October 25, 2023 - Commission Meeting Agenda - (PDF)
Approved Meeting Minutes - (PDF)
Supporting Documents:
Item 4: CCDA's New Commissioner, Dr. Luciana Profaca (PDF)
Item 7: 2024 Proposed Meeting Calendar (PDF)
Item 12: Overview: Webinar Collaborations with Pacific ADA Center
12a - Presenter #1: Jan Garret Biography (PDF)
Item 13: Legislative Bill Tracking (PDF)