Daniel Kim, DGS Director, at SolarShares Activation Ceremony
DGS Director Daniel C. Kim (fourth from left) joins other dignitaries as they flip the solar switch at Rancho Seco on Wednesday, Sept. 28.


RANCHO SECO – One week before the grand opening of the new Golden 1 Center, dignitaries celebrated the operation of the brand new solar power plant at Rancho Seco.

Officials with state and federal government, the Sacramento Kings, SMUD, First Solar and plant owner, the D. E. Shaw group, ceremonially “flipped the big switch” on the plant, which will deliver clean electricity to the State Capitol and other downtown state buildings as well as the new Golden 1 Center—making it one of the greenest sports arenas in the world.

Recently, the Department of General Services (DGS) signed on to buy about half the power generated by the plant, agreeing to a 20-year SolarShares® partnership. Last fall, the Kings and SMUD agreed to a 20-year SolarShares partnership to provide Golden 1 Center with approximately 85 percent of its annual electricity needs.

The SMUD commercial SolarShares program is designed to provide business customers with a low-cost, hassle-free solar option to onsite solar panels.

DGS and SMUD flip the switch on solar power plant