Frequently Asked Questions on OSP Services
We have complied some frequently asked questions and answers by Program or Service. If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for contact Customer Service Representative.
FAQ By Program
What are your fees for the various services/products you offer?
All our services are custom-priced based on various parameters and needs.
Do you have a portfolio of work?
Coming soon.
How do I get started?
Once you have attained your project estimate and are ready to move forward, you will need to fill out a STD 67 form (PDF) for design services. If your project also needs to print, you will need to fill out a separate STD 67 form (PDF) for that part of the process. A Customer Service Representative will call you and coordinate obtaining a Printing Estimate.
How can I monitor the progress of my project?
OSP Design uses Teamwork, our online tool that maintains communication, milestones and file exchange.
Who do I contact for my printing needs?
Please contact your dedicated Customer Service Representative.
If you don't know who your representative is, please use our CSR Search, here you will be able to select your organization and find your dedicated Customer Service Representative.
Who do I contact if I need to order business cards?
OSP will only accept business card orders placed through our Web StoreFront.
Can I contract with a private printer?
You must have an exemption from OSP to procure printing services from a private printer.
Please contact your dedicated Customer Service Representative.
What can be purchased on a walk-in basis?
For your convenience you can purchase certain items on a walk-in basis from the OSP Reception Desk. Simply bring in your completed Std. Form 67 Publishing Order or Cal Card, and most items are ready for immediate delivery.
Gold seals, self-adhesive, embossed, 1 3/4"
- 25 seals are $15.00
- 100 seals are $60.00
Gold seals, self-adhesive, embossed, 2 1/4"
- 25 seals are $15.00
- 100 seals are $60.00
NOTE: The Secretary of State is the custodian of the Great Seal of the State of California. Any reproduction of the Great Seal for official use should be tasteful, proportioned and of high-quality. The Office of State Publishing will not provide the Great Seal to anyone other than a state agency without authorization from the Secretary of State. State agencies must assure the intended use or display is appropriate and legitimate and is not contrary to the state interest in preserving the sanctity and dignity of the Great Seal and will not otherwise violate Government Code Section 399-405.
What type of file should I supply to OSP?
A PDF, with embedded fonts, is best. We will accept Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel and PowerPoint files but will save them as a PDF before printing. If you want the file to look like it looks on yur screen you should save it as a PDF before giving the file to us. The fonts may be substituted to fonts on our computers if we save it. You can save a Microsoft file as a PDF by clicking on the “Acrobat” menu and choosing “Create PDF.” If you have an InDesign file and think we will have to make edits to it, you can package your file and send that to us. The package will include the graphics and fonts. To make a package in InDesign click on the “File” menu and choose “Package”. If you have an InDesign file, and will not want edits, you should click on the “File” menu, choose “Export ” and select “High Quality Print”.
What should I keep in mind when preparing my document?
Build your file to the exact, final document trim size, 1-up and in single pages. You can have several pages within a single document. We have imposition software to impose the pages as needed for the press. An advance review of your document can often prevent delays or an error in final output.
What should I review before sending you my file?
Proofread: Spell check all documents to ensure later corrections will not be necessary. It will also help if you to check the names of people and cities for proper spelling. Check all important information, including your address and phone number. Check your running headers, table of contents and index page numbers.
Fonts: Your PDF file should have the fonts embedded. Using the tool bar to change a font style to bold or italic is convenient, but it may cause printing problems. If you have the bold or italic versions of the font it is best to use the actual font.
Graphics: Check the image resolution of your graphics. No less than 300 dots per inch (dpi) for quality output. Images from the web (72 dpi) will not look good on high resolution equipment.
Margins: Do not put type closer than 1/8” to the edge of the page. A 1/4” margin is even better. If you have an image or background that runs off the side of the page, that is OK, this is a bleed.
Bleeds: If there is something that prints right to the edge of the page it needs to be extended past the page trim. Any images, photos or elements should go past the edge of the page by 1/8” on the top, sides, and bottom. You should not enlarge the page itself but have the item that needs bleed go past the page edge.
Folios: Folios are the page numbers printed on the document page. They can be different from the page it is in the file. Some documents might have an intro section where the folios are roman numerals (i, ii, etc.) and publication covers typically do not have folios on them. Odd numbered pages should fall on the right-hand side of a spread and even pages on the left-hand side.
Colors: The colors used in your files should be 4-color process (CMYK) or specified PMS colors. It is a good idea to delete any unused colors in your document or graphics. If there are RGB images in your file there will likely be a slight color shift when printing.
Rules: Please build rules at .25 point or higher. Some applications allow you to define narrower rules like “Hairline,” which will appear in a preview and print on a laser printer but will not print on the plate for press.
Does OSP do translations?
No. OSP does not do translations. For files that are not in English we accept only print-ready PDFs and cannot make edits to the type.
Where do I find the Service Codes for IMS?
Please download the Interagency Mail and Messenger Service Codes (PDF - 116 KB).
For pricing information please contact the Interagency Mail and Messenger Service by phone (916) 928-5977 or email
How should I format my address file?
Any format that can be imported using Microsoft Access. Avoid using comma as delimiter.
On what media should I send my address file?
OSP upload, DVD, CD and Flash Drive. You should contact your Customer Service Representative for instructions on how to upload your address file.
How can we get the discounted rates?
Office of State Publishing has a Permit Number Departments can use to receive the discounted rates for Presorted First Class and Presorted Standard. If your Department wished we can help you receive a Permit Number of your own.
Step 1 - Contact your Dedicated CSR
Provide your complete project specifications and delivery instructions to your agency's dedicated customer service representative and request an estimate (if you do not have an Interagency Contract). If you do not know who your dedicated agency CSR is, you may easily look them up by using our Find Your CSR online search.
Step 2 - Fill out a STD 67 Form
Once your estimate has been provided to you and you have attained approval to purchase from your respective agency, simply fill out a STD 67 form (PDF). Every order requires a STD 67 form (PDF) unless you have an Interagency Contract. If you need help filling out a STD 67 form, please take a look at the STD 67 form Training Manual (PDF). Please note that you may leave the cost section in this form blank until you have been provided an estimate by your CSR and have been given authorization to proceed with the purchase.
What is the cost to store records as SRC?
Please refer to the SRC Price List for the cost to store records at SRC.
What is the cost to destroy paper or plastic records at SRC?
Please refer to the SRC Price List for the cost to destroy paper or plastic records at SRC.
Does SRC provide tours of their facility?
Yes. To schedule a tour call us at (916) 375-6760.
Customer Service
Office of State Publishing
885 Riverside Parkway
West Sacramento, CA 95605
Phone: (916) 327-0719