List of Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Reciprocity Partners
The organizations listed below are Reciprocity Partners with the state of California. A Reciprocity Partner is a city, county, agency, or special district that honors the state of California’s Small Business (SB) and/or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) certification as acceptance into their individual business enterprise programs.
These Reciprocity Partnerships only agree to accept and recognize the state's SB, SB-PW and DVBE certifications. The state's procurement policies, practices or procedures do not apply to these partnerships. Each reciprocity partner conducts their own procurements, separate from the state of California, following their own policies, procedures, and practices within their independent authority to do so.
Some Reciprocity Partners may also have specific local eligibility requirements that certified businesses must also meet. You may visit each partner’s website for more information on their individual programs.
These Reciprocity Partnerships allow SBs and DVBEs to go through a single certification process so their certification is valid with the state of California and the participating organization.
We continue to build more partnerships with cities, counties and special districts.
If you are a city, county or special district and are interested in becoming a Reciprocity Partner, contact us.
If you are a business owner interested in becoming a California certified SB or DVBE, go here.
If you are a business owner interested in pursuing contract opportunities with a Reciprocity Partner listed below, contact them directly.
Bay Area
Organization | Accepted Certifications |
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) | SB/DVBE |
Contra Costa County | SB |
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) | SB |
Santa Clara Valley Water District | SB |
Francisco City College |
SB |
San Francisco City/County |
San Mateo County Libraries | SB/SB-PW/DVBE |
East Bay Municipal Utility District | SB |
University of California, Berkeley | SB/DVBE |
University of California, San Francisco | SB/DVBE |
University of California, Santa Cruz | SB/DVBE |
Northern California Region
Organization | Accepted Certifications |
Yuba County | SB |
University of California, Merced | SB/DVBE |
Sacramento Region
Organizations | Accepted Certifications |
County of Sacramento | SB |
Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency | SB |
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) |
SB |
Sacramento Regional Transit District | SB |
University of California, Davis | SB/DVBE |
Los Angeles Region
Organizations | Accepted Certifications |
City of Fontana | SB, SB/SB-PW/DVBE |
City of Long Beach | SB |
City of Los Angeles | SB/DVBE |
City of Pasadena | SB |
Compton Unified School District |
SB |
County of Los Angeles | SB/DVBE |
County of Orange | SB/DVBE |
County of Riverside | SB/DVBE |
Los Angeles Community College District | DVBE |
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) | DVBE |
Los Angeles Unified School District | SB/DVBE |
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Port of Long Beach | SB |
University of California, Irvine | SB/DVBE |
University of California, Los Angeles | SB/DVBE |
University of California, Riverside | SB/DVBE |
University of California, Santa Barbara | SB/DVBE |
San Diego Region
Organizations | Accepted Certifications |
City of San Diego | SB/DVBE |
County of San Diego | SB/DVBE |
Port of San Diego | SB/DVBE |
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) | SB |
San Diego County Housing Commission | SB/DVBE |
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority | SB/DVBE |
Diego County Water Authority |
Diego Unified School District |
University of California, San Diego | SB/DVBE |
Organization | Accepted Certifications |
Utility companies are not reciprocity partners. However, they do honor the DVBE certification. Learn more
- AT&T
- California American Water Company
- California Choice Energy Authority
- California Water Service Company
- Central Coast Community Energy
- Charter Communications
- Clean Power Alliance
- CleanPowerSF
- Comcast
- Cox Communications
- Desert Community Energy
- Frontier
- Golden State Water Company
- Horizon West Transmission
- Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric)
- Liberty Utilities (Park Water & Apple Valley Water)
- Lumen
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- PacifiCorp
- Peninsula Clean Energy Authority
- Pioneer Community Energy
- Redwood Coast Energy Authority
- San Diego Community Power
- San Diego Gas & Electric Company
- San Gabriel Valley Water Company
- San José Clean Energy
- San Jose Water Company
- Silicon Valley Clean Energy
- Sonoma Clean Power
- Southern California Edison
- Southwest Gas
- Suburban Water Systems
- T-Mobile
- Trans Bay Cable
- TPx Communications
- Valley Clean Energy Alliance
- Verizon
- Wild Goose
Office of Small Business and DVBE Services
Department of General Services
707 Third Street
West Sacramento, CA 95605