State Contracting and Procurement Training Logo

Our Vision

Providing proficient and interactive training curriculum to ensure small business understands the processes and nuances of selling to the state. Through the training curriculum developed and delivered by the Training unit, OSDS hopes to ensure that certified Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise firms can gain a thorough knowledge of the State of California procurement process from market research and finding contract opportunities to acquisition methods and bidding on state contracts.


Solve the Marketing Mystery of state procurement by utilizing the 5W’s: Why, What, Where, Who and When. 

Class Full Description: 
Gain greater insight into the basic workings of the state procurement system, along with tactics to build better relationships with buyers.  This session will present a rounded approach to marketing your business to California state departments by understanding the 5W’s of Marketing: Why, What, Where, Who and When.  

Register your business on Cal eProcure

Apply for certification




Solve the Marketing Mystery by acquiring effective strategies and tools to market your business to California state departments and increase your procurement opportunities.

Class Full Description
Gain greater insight into the basic workings of the state procurement system, along with tactics to build better relationships with buyers. This session will emphasize marketing strategies proven successful with state agency buyers including tools created by DGS to make marketing research effective for the small business owner. 

Solving the Marketing Mystery: the 5 Ws Session 1




Obtain a thorough understanding of CUF requirements and how they apply to the DGS SB/DVBE certified business and businesses who subcontract with them.

Class Full Description: 
Compliance with Commercially Useful Function (CUF) requirements is essential and assures that DGS Small Business preferences and DVBE incentives are awarded to appropriate businesses. Understanding CUF requires understanding the California Small Business (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program. Future contracting success will depend greatly on your ability to comprehend this program and how it benefits the small business sector.

Please review the 4-minute CUF video on YouTube



Understanding State SB and DVBE Commercially Useful Function (CUF)
Resource email and website



Did you know as a business selling to the state of California, there are Environmentally Preferable Purchasing requirements in some solicitations? 

Class Full Description:

This session provides an introduction to Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) in the context of California state procurements, specifically from the perspective of small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises. The primary learning objectives are:

1. To gain an overview of EPP

2. To understand the criteria that define environmentally preferable purchases

3. To recognize the importance of documenting and verifying EPP claims 



Please review the 4 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) videos
 Video 1: 
 Video 2: 
 Video 3: 
 Video 4: 


The ABCs of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
for SB/DVBEs





Office of SB/DVBE Training
Department of General Services
707 Third Street
West Sacramento, CA 95605

Angela Shell, Chief Procurement Officer at the Department of General Services, welcomes you to the State Contracting and Procurement Training Series