Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Advocate Directory
Search for a small business (SB) and disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) advocate to help you pursue contract opportunities with the state.
The linked directory above lists the name and contact information of every advocate in the state's departments and agencies. Almost every agency and department in the state of California has a small business (SB) and disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) advocate. The SB/DVBE Advocate is here to help SBs and DVBEs pursue contract opportunities with the department they work for. They work closely with the buyers in their department to include SBs and DVBEs in state procurement.Contact an SB/DVBE Advocate
Find a Department
Determine which state department(s) you are interested in doing business with. Watch this YouTube video to learn more. -
Find a SB/DVBE Advocate
Find the SB/DVBE Advocate for the department(s) in the directory. The directory is an excel spreadsheet. You can search and sort through it to find the advocate you want. -
Make Contact
Call and/or email the SB/DVBE Advocate to introduce yourself. Include your capability statement in your email to ensure you provide all pertinent information about your business. Watch this YouTube video to learn more about capabilities statements.
Office of Small Business and DVBE Services
Department of General Services
707 Third Street
West Sacramento, CA 95605