Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Advocate Directory
Search for a small business (SB) and disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) advocate to help you pursue contract opportunities with the state.
The Advocate Directory displays the contact information and other details for each Small Business (SB) / Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Advocate for nearly every agency in California. The SB/DVBE Advocate works to help small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprises pursue contract opportunities with their department and work closely with the buyers in their departments to include SBs and DVBEs in state procurement.
Contact an SB/DVBE Advocate
Search by Department Name, Office/Unit, Advocate Name or City.
- Using the filters on right, search for the department, office/unit, Advocate or city by typing in or scrolling to select the desired information.
- The Directory may also be filtered by whether the department has an SB/DVBE First Policy, SB Liaison and/or SB/DVBE Advocate.
Selecting Multiple Options in the Filter Field Drop Downs
By default, the drop-down filter fields only allow for one selection at a time. To choose more than one option in the drop-down filters, hold down the “CTRL” button while making selections.
To clear your selections, hover the cursor in the drop-down menu box. An eraser icon will appear in the upper right-hand corner. Click the eraser to reset all files.
Make Contact
When you find the right Advocate, call or email to introduce yourself. Include a capability statement in your email with important details about your business. Watch this YouTube video to learn more about capabilities statements.
Information for Departments: Updating Advocate Information
Log into the DGS Shared Services Portal
Access to the DGS Shared Services Portal is limited to state employees. A state department-issued email is required to log into the portal. -
Provide all requested information
Guide Steps Description -
Click Submit
Once all relevant and required information is entered, click the “Submit” button in the upper right-hand corner. All submissions are reviewed within two business days of receipt and the directory is refreshed daily.
Office of Small Business and DVBE Services
Department of General Services
707 Third Street
West Sacramento, CA 95605