File DVBE Substitution Request
State agencies may request to substitute a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) for another when work, as specified in a contract, cannot be completed.
This request can be filed when a listed DVBE subcontractor cannot complete the work according to contract terms and conditions. These procedures may also serve as a reference for prime contractor(s) and DVBE subcontractor(s) regarding their rights and responsibilities.
Note: All DVBE subcontractors listed in the contract must be used unless a DVBE substitution is requested and approved by both the awarding department and The Office of Small Business & DVBE Services in writing prior to the commencement of any work by the proposed DVBE subcontractor(s). All substitutions shall maintain the level of participation as the originally listed DVBE subcontractors.
To submit a DVBE Substitution request, follow the procedure below.
Step 1 - Notify DVBE Subcontractor & Awarding Department
Prime Contractor shall notify the listed DVBE subcontractor and the awarding department of the intended DVBE substitution in writing by certified mail and include the reasons for the substitution. The prime shall submit the following to the awarding department:
- A copy of the written notice issued to the listed DVBE with proof of delivery.
- A copy of the DVBE's consent or opposition to the substitution.
- The business name and certification ID# for the original DVBE subcontractor and the replacement DVBE subcontractor.
Step 2 - Original Subcontractor Must Respond to Notification
DVBE Subcontractor has five business days to consent or oppose the substitution.
- The DVBE's response must be sent to the prime contractor and awarding department in writing, by certified mail.
Step 3 - Awarding Departments Review the Request
Awarding Departments must review & decide to approve or deny the substitution request for submittal.
- If the substitution request is approved, the awarding department's SB/DVBE Advocate must review and sign the DVBE Substitution Request form.
- The awarding department must email the DVBE Substitution Request form and supporting documentation to
Step 4 - Submit to Office of Small Business & DVBE Services
OSDS has Three days to respond to awarding department concerning receipt of request to approve substitution.
- DVBE Substitution Request Form & Instructions (DGS PD 07-06)
Department of General Services
Procurement Division
West Sacramento, CA 95605
Phone: (916) 375-4940