New State Agreement Makes it Easier for Local Governments to get Affordable Masks
Sacramento – The state of California has executed a broad purchasing agreement to make it easier for state, county, and city governments as well as public school districts to purchase N95 and surgical masks at affordable, low market rates.
“From the earliest days of this pandemic, our state sprang into action to build a pipeline of personal protective equipment to keep Californians safe. Amid global shortages and competition, we leveraged our state’s purchasing power to get critical, in-demand equipment like N95 masks to the Californians who needed it the most,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “In this most intense COVID-19 surge yet, we take another bold and uniquely Californian step to help local governments and schools – from any state – to get the PPE they need. Working directly with California businesses, the agreement secured will provide PPE at an affordable rate—critical to keeping Californians safe and helping to stop the surge.”
The master agreement, the first of its kind for masks in California, makes it possible for any government entity in the United States to acquire face masks, including N95 respirators, at a state-negotiated price.
“By streamlining purchasing, our intent is to make it easier for others in government to get the masks they need to help slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Yolanda Richardson, Secretary of the Government Operations Agency.
Executed by state officials, this was a competitive request for proposals process. A total of 59 vendors were selected to provide the masks at competitive market rates. Of the 59 vendors, 41 are California-based companies, 27 are small businesses, and two vendors qualified as disabled veteran-owned businesses.
“The market is volatile and dynamic during this COVID-19 pandemic,” said Angela Shell, Chief Procurement Officer for the State of California. “We hope this agreement can bring some simplicity to the buying process, with government leaders knowing there is ample opportunity to purchase quality masks at established competitive pricing.”
Government officials anywhere in the state and across the nation interested in making a purchase of this equipment should visit the DGS Statewide Contract for Masks website for instructions on how to make purchases under the master agreement.