Sacramento Affordable Housing Project
State of California
Affordable Housing Development
Under Executive Order N-06-19
Location: Sacramento, CA
Project Milestones
The site will be developed by Mutual Housing and the Capital Area Development Authority (CADA)
The site will facilitate the construction of 241 affordable units, including studio units and 1-2 bedroom units. The project will also include approximately 4,200 square feet of first floor commercial space.
The units are income restricted based on Average Median Incomes (AMI) as follows:
- 23 Units-50% AMI
- 216 Units-80 % AMI
- 2 Manager Units (not restricted)
The environmental review process has been completed. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Notice of Exemption was filed with the State Clearinghouse (SCH) on September 14, 2022, SCH Number 2022090219.
More Information
Jurisdictional Entity: Department of General Services
Size (Site): ± Approximately 1.2 acres
Proposed Development: 241 Units- 239 Affordable Units
Developer: Mutual Housing Associates and the Capitol Area Community Development Corporation