P Street Modern Office Building Project

This project will construct a new, modern office building at 7th/8th and O/P streets in Sacramento. The new building will be approximately 20 stories and approximately 838,000 total gross square feet, and will include office, assembly, storage, building support, parking, retail, and commercial food service space. The building will have an expected building capacity of 3,450 employees and will house staff from the California Natural Resources Agency, the Department of Water Resources, the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Department of Conservation, the California Conservation Corps, and the Wildlife Conservation Board.
DGS will make some exterior improvements to the historic Heilbron house, which will remain on site. The project also includes construction of a childcare facility that can accommodate 120 children. This will be the largest childcare facility constructed by the state, and was enabled by Senator Pan’s bill, SB 401 (Child Care Facilities: State Employees, Chapter 235, Statutes of 2017).
7th and 8th and O and P streets in Sacramento
- Sustainable: the building will be Zero Net Energy and is targeting a LEED Platinum certification. The building will also use at least 50% less water than a typical office building of its size.
- Inviting: the building, in addition to office space, will have approximately 10,000 square feet of retail, an auditorium for approximately 300, a multi-vendor food court, and will create an attractive pedestrian plaza.
- Wellness: the building is designed for employee wellness in mind, including having an emphasis on natural daylight, providing clean, filtered outside air, and the use of solar shading to minimize glare and thermal hot spots.
Project Partners:
- Criteria Team: ARUP, FX FOWLE and CO Architects
- CEQA Consultants: Ascent Environmental
- Construction Management Firm: AECOM
- Design Build Team: Turner Construction, partnering with AC Martin
Major Project Milestones:
- Project Started in July 2016
- CEQA EIR was finalized in July 2017
- Request for Proposals to Design-Build teams issued in August 2017
- Design-Builder Selected in December 2017
Next Steps:
- Issue Notice to Proceed to Turner Construction
- Tenant Programming and Design Charrettes
- Concurrent Design/Construction of the Childcare Facility
- Construction Begins
Department of General Services
Real Estate Services Division
West Sacramento, California 95605
Main Line: (916) 375-4700
Email: DGSRESDGeneralInquiries@dgs.ca.gov
Department of General Services
Real Estate Service Division
West Sacramento, California 95605
Phone: (916) 376-1700
Email: DGSRESDGeneralInquiries@dgs.ca.gov