The California Construction Cost Index (CCCI) is developed based upon Building Cost Index (BCI) cost indices average for San Francisco and Los Angeles ONLY as produced by Engineering News Record (ENR) and reported in the second issue each month. 

The current five year CCCI table is updated the 2nd half of the month for the current month. The ENR BCI reports cost trends for specific construction trade labor and materials in the California market and does not reflect current market bidding environment. Prior to July 1991, CCCI was recorded quarterly, all months post July 1991 are calculated based on the ENR BCI reports and recorded for each month.

California Construction Cost Index 2021-2025

Month 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
January 9911 9680 9246 8151 7090
February 9922 9692 9166 8293 7102
March 9994 9660 9118 8736 7130
9688 9026 8903 7150
9655 9621 9001 7712
9651 9508 8925 7746
9646 9526 9110 7892
9749 9560 8729 8122
9751 9592 8604 7900
9785 9654 8712 8080
9866 9682 8765 8141
9876 9654 8823 8072
Annual % * 2.3% 9.4% 9.3% 13.4%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Historic California Construction Cost Index

Month 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
January 6995 6684 6596 6373 6106
February 6945 6700 6596 6373 6132
March 6947 6616 6596 6373 6248
April 6955 6841 6596 6461 6249
May 6958 6852 6596 6455 6240
June 7041 6854 6598 6470 6238
July 6984 6854 6643 6474 6245
August 6988 6823 6613 6620 6244
September 7036 6814 6674 6620 6267
October 7120 6851 6679 6596 6343
November 7123 6895 6679 6596 6344
December 7120 6924 6684 6596 6373
Annual % * 2.8% 3.6% 1.3% 3.5% 4.4%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Month 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
January 6073 5898 5774 5683 5592
February 6077 5896 5782 5683 5624
March 6069 5953 5777 5738 5627
April 6062 5956 5786 5740 5636
May 6069 5957 5796 5755 5637
June 6055 5961 5802 5754 5643
July 6055 5959 5804 5750 5654
August 6055 5959 5801 5778 5667
September 6113 5959 5802 5777 5668
October 6114 5969 5911 5780 5675
November 6109 5981 5903 5779 5680
December 6108 5977 5901 5768 5680
Annual % * 2.2% 1.3% 2.3% 1.5% 1.5%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Month 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
January 5260 5309 4983 4869 4620
February 5262 5295 4983 4868 4604
March 5268 5298 4999 4871 4597
April 5270 5296 5004 4872 4600
May 5378 5288 5023 4886 4599
June 5394 5276 5065 4842 4593
July 5401 5263 5135 4849 4609
August 5401 5265 5142 4851 4616
September 5381 5264 5194 4942 4619
October 5591 5259 5393 4943 4867
November 5599 5259 5375 4978 4891
December 5596 5262 5322 4981 4877
Annual % * 6.3% -1.1% 6.8% 2.1% 5.7%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Month 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
January 4339 3978 3939 3859 3862
February 4362 4039 3939 3856 3867
March 4360 4084 4021 3863 3867
April 4393 4125 4002 3843 3906
May 4403 4152 4007 3942 3908
June 4421 4192 3988 3943 3885
July 4411 4194 3989 3944 3868
August 4399 4205 3988 3939 3869
September 4533 4309 3993 3939 3862
October 4554 4310 3994 3940 3861
November 4587 4325 3988 3941 3863
December 4614 4339 3980 3941 3860
Annual % * 6.3% 9.0% 1.0% 2.1% -0.1%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Month 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
January 3823 3772 3685 3473 3486
February 3759 3764 3691 3482 3476
March 3846 3751 3695 3488 3475
April 3846 3752 3700 3573 3475
May 3846 3748 3714 3595 3474
June 3857 3745 3715 3598 3474
July 3855 3745 3719 3643 3478
August 3853 3739 3718 3646 3451
September 3858 3742 3732 3656 3471
October 3861 3748 3786 3677 3457
November 3861 3745 3780 3675 3453
December 3862 3745 3772 3685 3473
Annual % * 3.12% -0.72% 2.36% 6.1% -0.6%

*Annual Percentage is calculated from December to December.

Questions and Resources

Have questions about the CCCI, please contact us.


Project Management & Development Branch

Department of General Services
Real Estate Service Division

707 Third St, 4th Floor
West Sacramento, California 95605

Phone: (916) 376-1700