This resource page is a collection of notices, reports, and assessments on projects in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). You will also find useful information links about CEQA.

CEQA Notices, Reports, and Assessments

Butte Fire Center Replacement

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Solar Project

Currently, there is no content to show for this county.

CAL FIRE Growlersburg Conservation Camp Replacement Project

212 Armory Drive Project

Reedley DMV Field Office Replacement Project

  • Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - Available upon request
    • Appendices:  All available upon request
      • 3.3-1: CalEEMod Emission Estimates
      • 3.3-2: AERMOD and HARP2 Output Files
      • 3.3-3: CO Hotspot Analysis
      • 3.4-1: Plants and Wildlife Observed On Site
      • 3.4-2: Special-Status Plant Species within Adjacent Quadrangles and Their Potential to Occur
      • 3.4-3: Special-Status Wildlife Species within Adjacent Quadrangles and their Potential to Occur
      • 3.5-1: Cultural and Paleontological Letter Report
      • 3.6-1: Geotechnical Engineering Report
      • 3.8-1: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Limited Phase II Investigation
      • 3.12-1: Noise Modeling Data
      • 3.16-1-5: Raw Traffic Count Data

Mendota Solar Ground Mount Project

Currently, there is no content to show for this county.
Currently, there is no content to show for this county.

Oak Hill Apartments Project

Los Banos Wildlife Area Solar Project

California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Project (SCH #2018111030)

  • Currently, there is no content for this project.

California Department of Veterans Affairs Yountville Skilled Nursing Facility

  • Currently, there is no content for this project.

Rector Reservoir Bypass Project

  • Draft - Environmental Impact Report
    •  Available upon request.

California Conservation Corps Auberry Center

  • Draft - Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration with Appendices
    • Available upon request.

Resources Building Renovation Project

Capitol Annex Project

Jesse M. Unruh Building Renovation Project

Gregory Bateson Building Renovation Project

Currently, there is no content to show for this county.
Currently, there is no content to show for this county.
Currently, there is no content to show for this county.

CAL FIRE Chalk Mountain Communication Tower and Facilities Replacement

Darrah Springs Solar Project

Notice of Exemptions to CEQA

Currently, there is no content to show for this county.
Currently, there is no content to show for this county.

Arden Armory Project

1350 Front Street Project


Environmental Services

Department of General Services
Real Estate Services Division

707 Third St, 4th Floor
West Sacramento, California 95605