(New: 05/1998)

DOF encourages the use of prototype plans in construction programs. The process for authorizing a facility prototype has three steps:

  1. Assessing whether a department’s construction program would benefit from development of a prototype;
  2. Development of the budget package for the prototype by DGS; and
  3. Evaluation and adoption of the prototype for capital outlay planning and budgeting purposes.

DOF participates in the first and third step; LAO participates in the third step only. Any department planning to propose the use of prototype plans, or to amend an existing prototype, should contact its DOF capital outlay budget analyst to determine specific information needs. In general, submit requests to use or change prototypes along with the five-year capitalized assets plan (Section 6816). This allows DOF and LAO to review the proposed change within the context of the overall program.  DOF may authorize exceptions to this submittal time-frame for projects on critical time paths.


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