October 17, 2024

Notice and Agenda
Meeting Minutes

Join Meeting by Zoom - October 17, 2024, 10:00 am

This meeting will be a hybrid of both in-person and virtual.

Requests for accommodations for individuals with disabilities should be made to CBSC’s office no later than ten (10) working days prior to the day of the meeting.

Additional virtual participation options and instructions available below.

Strategic Plan Update presentation


General Meeting Information

CBSC meetings operate under the requirements of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (Act) set forth in Government Code Section 11120-11133.

SB 143 authorizes state bodies to conduct public meetings through virtual teleconferences for the rest of 2023.  Starting in January 2024, SB 544 will authorize some meetings to be virtual, and others to be hybrid, depending on the composition of the state body and the purpose of the meeting.

CBSC conducts public Code Advisory Committee meetings under the authority of Health and Safety Code Section 18929.1 and Section 1-409 of the California Administrative Code, Part 1 of Title 24, California Code of Regulations. Materials reviewed during meetings are available for public review and comment on the CBSC website. Members of the public may also contact CBSC to request a copy of the materials. 

Requests for accommodations for individuals with disabilities should be made to CBSC’s office no later than ten (10) days prior to the day of the meeting.  Submit those requests to CBSC at cbsc@dgs.ca.gov or (916) 263-0916.

Meetings are subject to cancellation, and agenda items are subject to being taken out of order, removal, continuance, or referral. Items scheduled for a particular day may be moved to an earlier day to facilitate CBSC business. Technical difficulties with equipment experienced prior to or during the meeting preventing or inhibiting accessibility accommodation is not cause for not holding or for terminating the scheduled meeting.

Members of the public can offer verbal comments by logging into the Zoom meeting or by calling the Zoom teleconference number.

Closed captioning is available via Zoom's automated live transcriptions. To view closed captions in Zoom, click on the "CC Live Transcript" button.

To avoid feedback or other technical issues, please join the meeting through one device only.

If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, listen for the chair to ask for any comments from the public. At this time, virtually raise your hand using the “raise hand” icon in Zoom. You will be recognized by the meeting’s facilitator in the order your hand was raised. At that time, please unmute yourself. When you are done speaking, mute yourself and lower your hand. Note: Please ensure that you have a working microphone on or attached to your device prior to raising your hand to make a comment.

The chair will continue through the queue until there are no comments remaining. The chair will proceed to callers on the Zoom teleconference line, if any, and then to the next agenda item.

Please speak slowly and clearly so your comments can be transcribed.

Join Zoom Meeting by Teleconference at#: 888-557-8511    Access Code: 3114051 

Please mute your phone until prompted by the chair.

If you wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item, listen for the chair to ask for any comments from the public on the phone. At this time, take yourself off mute, announce your name and who you are representing before making your comments. Please mute yourself when done commenting.

The chair will continue through the call queue until there are no questions remaining. The committee will proceed to the next agenda item.

For best results, call from a landline using the telephone handset or a cell phone with a headset. This enhances the ability to clearly hear your comments.

Please speak slowly and clearly so your comments can be transcribed.

Please call CBSC at (916) 263-0916 if you experience technical difficulties.


The meeting will be livestreamed on the CBSC YouTube channel.

The YouTube livestream will have an active link approximately five minutes prior to the meeting start time. Please be aware the livestream has an approximate 45 second delay and there is no method for offering verbal or written public comment during the meeting.

Please call CBSC at (916) 263-0916 if you experience technical difficulties.

Building Standards Commission

Commission Members

Undersecretary Sarah Soto-Taylor

Rajesh Patel

Elley Klausbruckner
Erick Mikiten
Peter Santillan
Kent Sasaki
Juvilyn Alegre
Aaron Stockwell
Laura Rambin
James Haskin
Frank Ramirez


Executive Staff

Stoyan Bumbalov
Executive Director

Kevin Day
Deputy Executive Director


Rulemaking Activities

  • Code Adoption Cycles
  • Change Without Regulatory Effect
  • Emergency Rulemaking