About the Office of Administrative Hearings
The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) is a quasi-judicial tribunal that hears administrative disputes. Established by the California Legislature in 1945, OAH provides independent Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) to conduct hearings for over 1,500 State and local government agencies. OAH provides both adjudication and alternative dispute resolution services.
Of the 10,000 to 14,000 cases filed with OAH each year, approximately 50 percent of our General Jurisdiction cases and 96 percent of our Special Education cases are resolved without the need for hearing and decision. OAH offers a wealth of experience, qualified ALJs, professional calendar staff, and the flexibility to mediate, arbitrate, or adjudicate administrative disputes at a cost substantially less than charged by other providers.
About OAH
OAH Offices
The Office of Administrative Hearings has five regional offices with hearing rooms. Cases may also be heard in other venues.
Zackery P. Morazzini,
Director and Chief Administrative Law Judge
Narendra (Bob) Varma,
Deputy Director
Visit the OAH Contact page for regional office information.
Contact Us via Email
For more information on OAH please go to the Brochures page by clicking on the following link: BROCHURES
The ALJs are fully independent of the agencies whose attorneys appear before them. The Administrative Law Judge has the same relationship with each party -- that of a neutral fact-finder. All OAH ALJs are required to have practiced law for at least five years before being appointed, and typically have over ten years of experience.
In the Fall of 2017, the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) began using a browser-based secure file transfer system for electronic filing and service of case-related documents. OAH Secure e-File Transfer (SFT) replaces OAH’s method of sending and receiving documents through email attachments. In addition, OAH will deliver electronic copies of documents through SFT. The SFT will be the only method for electronic filing with OAH.
Parties or attorneys will create a password-protected free account at SFT, and will use that account for both sending documents to OAH and receiving documents from OAH.
SFT will be mandatory for all government agencies and attorneys. It will be optional for self-represented parties. OAH will continue to accept hard copy documents by mail or personal delivery from self-represented parties. Self-represented parties who opt not to use SFT will receive copies of notices and documents from OAH by regular mail.
OAH will no longer accept fax or email copies of documents from parties, will not send email attachments to parties, and will no longer send documents to parties by fax.
For more information, please visit the OAH Secure e-File Transfer web page.
Security Announcement for OAH Hearings
Penal Code, Part 1, Title 5, Section 71
It is a criminal offense to threaten a public official which includes administrative law judges and the staff at the Office of Administrative Hearings (Penal Code, Part 1, Title 5, Section 71). Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Office of Administrative Hearings - Organization
Director– Chief Administrative Law Judge
Zackery P. MorazziniDeputy Director
Narendra (Bob) Varma
Nicole Srinivasan, Attorney III
Administration Division
Melissa McKinney, Staff Services Manager II (Supervisory)
Fiscal and Support Services Unit
Poh-Ling Oon - Staff Services Manager I
Anthony Corella, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Dia Vang, Staff Services Analyst
Marquisha Cilenti, Staff Services Analyst
Jamie Riddle, Office Technician (Typing)
Moiz Uddin, Accountant I (SPEC)
Contracts and Procurement Unit
Carlos Trejo, Staff Services Manager I
Cara Kenyon, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Phoenix Lawson, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Sue Vang, Staff Services Analyst
Ariel Zeagas, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Business Services Unit
Lisiate Akolo, Staff Services Manager I
Timothy Chang, Staff Services Analyst
Natali Guerrero Gonzalez, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Cheo Brown, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Crystal Freeman, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Employee Resource Unit
Samantha Alfonso, Staff Services Manager I
Linh Nguyen, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
April Mathews, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Myla Trinidad, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Isela Deorta, Office Technician (Typing)
Karissa Ruiz, Staff Services Analyst
Director - Chief Administrative Law Judge
Zackery P. MorazziniDeputy Director
Narendra (Bob) Varma
CEA Division Chief Administrative Law Judge, General Jurisdiction
Susan Formaker, CEA Division Chief Administrative Law Judge, General Jurisdiction (in Los Angeles)
Tzer Lor-Snyder, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (in Sacramento)
Maryjosephine Norrington, Associate Governmental Program Analyst (in Los Angeles)
Heather Rowan, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Sean Gavin, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Patricia Huber, Administrative Law Judge
Matthew Block, Administrative Law Judge
Wim van Rooyen, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Timothy Aspinwall, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Jennevee de Guzman, Administrative Law Judge
Marcie Larson, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Brian Weisel, Administrative Law Judge
Coren Wong, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Christina Borrego, Staff Services Manager I
Monica Peterson, Staff Services Analyst
Kristen Barkley, Staff Services Analyst
Aaron Seawell, Staff Services Analyst
Rachel Molina, Staff Services Analyst
Jacquelyn Castro, Staff Services Analyst
Vacant, Legal Support Supervisor I
Abigail Trautt, Senior Legal Typist
Kristina Aguirre, Senior Legal Typist
Annalia Pangilinan, Office Technician (Typing)
Rachel Cabral, Office Technician (Typing)
Vacant, Office Technician (Typing)
Vacant, Office Technician (Typing)
Regina Brown, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Michelle Dylan, Administrative Law Judge
Carl Corbin, Administrative Law Judge
Frances Valdez, Administrative Law Judge
Mario Choi, Administrative Law Judge
Juliet Cox, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Michael Starkey, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Holly Baldwin, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Karen Reichmann, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Stephanie Haffner, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Susie Alvarez, Staff Services Manager I (in Los Angeles)
Vacant, Staff Services Analyst
Helen Tsai, Staff Services Analyst
Michele Lewis, Senior Legal Typist
Abigail Tetteh, Staff Services Analyst
Vacant, Senior Legal Typist
San Diego:
Adam Berg, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Mary Agnes Matyszewski, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Michelle Hollimon, Administrative Law Judge
Abraham Levy, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Kimberly Belvedere, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Marion Vomhof, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Jami Teagle-Burgos, Administrative Law Judge
Traci Belmore, Administrative Law Judge
Debra Nye-Perkins, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Christina Borrego, Staff Services Manager I (in Sacramento)
Paul Gates, Staff Services Analyst
Vacant, Staff Services Analyst
Gilbert Villalba, Senior Legal Typist
Zenobia Akindipe, Senior Legal Typist
Los Angeles:
Nancy Beezy Micon, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Deena Ghaly, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Irina Tentser, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Chantal Sampogna, Administrative Law Judge
Nana Chin, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Eric Sawyer, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Joseph Montoya, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Thomas Heller, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Taylor Steinbacher, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Matthew Goldsby, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Christopher Ruiz, Administrative Law Judge
Jennifer Russell, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Ji-Lan Zang, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Glynda Gomez, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Julie Owen, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Erlinda Shrenger, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Thomas Lucero, Administrative Law Judge
Cindy Forman, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Harden Sooper, Administrative Law Judge
San Yu, Administrative Law Judge
Susie Alvarez, Staff Services Manager I
Vacant, Staff Services Analyst
Sylvia Padilla, Staff Services Analyst
Valentina Ortiz, Staff Services Analyst
Alexis Stewart, Staff Services Analyst
Joseph McGaha, Staff Services Analyst
Isaac Cortez, Staff Services Analyst
Yolanda Parker, Legal Support Supervisor I
Carol Barron, Legal Secretary
Vacant, Senior Legal Typist
Monica Mejia, Office Technician (Typing)
Phung Chung, Office Technician (Typing)
Helen Lam, Office Technician (Typing)
Vacant, Senior Legal Typist
Niki San, Office Technician (Typing)
Director– Chief Administrative Law Judge
Zackery P. MorazziniDeputy Director
Narendra (Bob) Varma
CEA Division Chief Administrative Law Judge, Special Education
Peter Paul Castillo, Division Chief Administrative Law Judge, Special Education (in Los Angeles)
Joyann Redmon, Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Theresa Ravandi, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Tiffany Gilmartin, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Vacant, Administrative Law Judge
Claire Yazigi, Administrative Law Judge
Stefanie Kent, Staff Services Manager I
Ashley Ames, Staff Services Analyst
Aleecia Alvarado, Staff Services Analyst
Tammy Cookerly, Staff Services Analyst
Adam Levine, Office Technician (Typing)
Maurene Trotter, Staff Services Manager I
Laurie Crom, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Anna Brown, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Trinity Dorantes, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Alondra Marquez, Staff Services Analyst
Gabriel Manzo, Staff Services Analyst
Robert Conlin, Senior Legal Typist
Robyn Sturgis-Myers, Senior Legal Typist
Cheryl Yasui, Senior Legal Typist
Ivy Khan, Office Technician (Typing)
Joyann Redmon, Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Charles Marson, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Cynthia Fritz, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Rita Defilippis, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Daniel Senter, Administrative Law Judge
Los Angeles:
Vacant, Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Ashok Pathi, Administrative Law Judge
June Lehrman, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Laurie Gorsline, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Cole Dalton, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Clifford Woosley, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Thanayi Lindsey, Administrative Law Judge
Robert Martin, Administrative Law Judge
Lewis T. Mann III, Administrative Law Judge
Christine Arden, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Penelope Pahl, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Jeanie Min, Administrative Law Judge
Tara Doss, Presiding Administrative Law Judge
Alexa Hohensee, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Kara Hatfield, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Sabrina Kong, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Judith Pasewark, Administrative Law Judge
Robert Butchko, Administrative Law Judge
Deborah Myers-Cregar, Administrative Law Judge
Stefanie Kent, Staff Services Manager I
Erica Lawlor, Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Lisa Gachuzo, Senior Legal Typist
Vanessa Munoz, Staff Services Analyst
Argentina Kuniansky, Senior Legal Typist
San Diego:
Tara Doss, Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Linda Dowd, Administrative Law Judge
Cararea Lucier, Administrative Law Judge
Rommel Cruz, Administrative Law Judge
Paul Kamoroff, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Jennifer Kelly, Senior Administrative Law Judge
Stefanie Kent, Staff Services Manager I
Matthew Blair, Staff Services Analyst
Kamilah Jones, Staff Services Analyst
Office of Administrative Hearings Information
Office of Administrative Hearings
Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833
Zackery P. Morazzini,
Director and Chief Administrative Law Judge
Bob Varma,
Deputy Director
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All forms and publications on this website are available in alternative formats or languages. If you would like a copy of a form or publication in an alternative format or language, please contact us at DGSOAHFeedback@dgs.ca.gov. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION.