The Special Education Division handles mediations, prehearing conferences and due process hearings that involve issues related to Special Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
OAH is a neutral state agency that helps solve disagreements between individuals and government agencies. The Special Education Division handles mediations, prehearing conferences and due process hearings that involve issues related to Special Education under the IDEA.
For more information on OAH’s Special Education Division please see the Special Education Brochure.
Information About Special Education Division Offices and Judges
OAH’s Special Education Division is divided into two regions - Northern California and Southern California – with the main office located in Sacramento. The Administrative Law Judges, while assigned to either Northern or Southern California may handle matters anywhere in the state.
2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200Sacramento, CA 95833
Main Telephone Number: 916-263-0880
All documents mailed or sent by overnight delivery should be sent to the Sacramento office, the address for which is listed above. However, parties may personally deliver documents to the additional OAH locations as indicated below during normal business hours:
1515 Clay Street, Suite 206
Oakland, CA 94612
Los Angeles
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
San Diego
402 West Broadway, Suite 600
San Diego, CA 92101
Located in: The Emerald Plaza Building
For information about filing documents through email go to Secure e-File Transfer (SFT) system or URL: https://www.applications.dgs.ca.gov/oah/oahsftweb
Special Education Administrative Law Judges:
Peter Paul Castillo,
Division Chief Administrative Law Judge, Special Education (in Los Angeles)
Joy Redmon, Sacramento
Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Cole Dalton, Los Angeles
Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Tara Canada Doss, Los Angeles
Supervising Administrative Law Judge
Administrative Law Judges
- Christine Arden, Los Angeles
- Robert (Chris) Butchko, Los Angeles
- Rommel Cruz, San Diego
- Rita Defilippis, Oakland
- Linda Dowd, San Diego
- Cynthia Fritz, Oakland
- Tiffany Gilmartin, Sacramento
- Laurie Gorsline, Los Angeles
- Kara Hatfield, Los Angeles
- Alexa Hohensee, Los Angeles
- Paul H. Kamoroff, San Diego
- Jennifer Kelly, San Diego
- Sabrina Kong, Los Angeles
- June Lehrman, Los Angeles
- Thanayi Lindsey, Los Angeles
- Cararea Lucier, San Diego
- Lewis T. (Ted) Mann, III, Los Angeles
- Charles Marson, San Diego
- Robert G. Martin, Los Angeles
- Jeanie Min, Los Angeles
- Deborah Myers-Cregar, Los Angeles
- Penelope Pahl, Los Angeles
- Judith Pasewark, Los Angeles
- Ashok Pathi, Los Angeles
- Theresa Ravandi, Sacramento
- Daniel Senter, Oakland
- Clifford H. Woosley, Los Angeles
- Claire Yazigi, Sacramento
- Vacant, Sacramento
- Vacant, Los Angeles
Office of Administrative Hearings
Sacramento, CA 95833
More contact Info : (916) 263-0880