Become Repair Vendor for State Vehicles
Any person interested in becoming a vendor to provide mobile equipment and repair services for state vehicles can apply through the Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM).
The Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) maintains a Mobile Equipment Maintenance and Repair Vendor Program on behalf of the DGS and most other state agencies.
The OFAM Request for Qualifications (RFQ), RFQ DGS-OFA-VQ-1, is used to solicit vendors interested in providing mobile equipment and repair services for state vehicles. If you are interested in becoming an OFAM-approved mobile equipment vendor, please fill out and return the following forms and documents:
A complete response to this RFQ will include the following documents
Attachment A
Response Checklist (also see RFQ DGS-OFA-VQ-1 Attachment 1.) -
Attachment B
Completed and signed OFA 50 Vendor Application Form (PDF) -
Attachment C
Completed and signed Vendor Data Record (interactive PDF) STD. 204 -
Attachment D
Completed and signed STD 21 Drug-Free Workplace Certification (interactive PDF) -
Attachment E
Copy of current Business License issued by your city or county government. -
Attachment F
Copy of current Bureau of Automotive Repair License. -
Attachment G
Certificates of Insurance (See RFQ DGS-OFA-VQ-1 Attachment G for a sample) including:
- Garage Liability Insurance with a limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence.
- General liability with the same limit as an acceptable substitute for this requirement.
- Standard Workers Compensation with a limit of at least $1,000,000. If a vendor does not have any employees, this requirement is waived.
- Garagekeepers Legal Liability Insurance with a limit to cover any and all vehicles in custody of a vendor at a given time. For smaller vendors, the Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) recommends at least $30,000.
- Additional Insured Statement. The entire statement must be present on the certificate that includes Garage or General Liability: The State of California, its officers, agents, employees and servants are additional insureds, but only insofar as the operations under this Agreement are concerned.
- Certificate Holder. All certificates must list:
- Department of General Services
- Office of Fleet and Asset Management
- 1700 National Drive
- Sacramento, CA 95834
Attachment H
- Approved Mobile Equipment Repair Facilities (opens DGS Vendor search engine)
Department of General Services
Office of Fleet and Asset Management
Sacramento, CA 95834
Fax: (916) 928-9895