OHR Main Line: (916) 376-5400
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) is here to serve the general public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For general inquiries, please contact us through our main line.
Hiring Support BranchThe Hiring Support Branch provides recommendations and consultative services, while upholding the classification & pay plan and ensuring compliance with the merit system principles. It also validates Requests for Personnel Action, the starting point for filling vacancies, researches hiring restrictions and provides alternative solutions for difficult-to-fill classifications and conducts desk audits to investigate out of class grievances. The Recruitment and Examinations Services unit in the Hiring Support Branch works with subject matter experts (SMEs) and acting as liaison between DGS and the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR), the Examination Unit creates and administers civil service exams for service-wide and department-specific classifications and Career Executive Assignment (CEA) exams. In addition to exams, this unit ensures potential candidates meet minimum qualifications, posts job vacancies on CalCareers, sends certification contact letters, handles list eligibility, develops behavioral based interview guides, participates on interview panels, reviews and approves interview panels for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance, develops targeted recruitment plans beyond the traditional civil service process, creates attention-grabbing job advertisements and graphics, attends recruiting events, builds relationships with professional organizations. It also provides hiring best practice support to DGS programs to assist in branding DGS as an employer of choice.
Constructive Intervention
The Constructive Intervention Unit provides consultative services to supervisors and managers on complex and/or sensitive employee performance and/or conduct matters. It also reviews and prepares formal actions including drafting Administrative Time Off (ATO) and Absence Without Leave (AWOL) letters, serves as note-taker at Skelly Hearings, conducts workplace violence investigations, and provides training and recommendations to supervisors and managers on the constructive intervention process.
HR Administration, Policy, Business Solutions and Special Projects
The HR Administration, Policy, Solutions, and Special Projects Unit is responsible for all Office of Human Resources (OHR) administrative functions including serving as the point of contact at the reception window for guests, maintaining the department's HR information and timekeeping systems, managing strategic goals and process improvement projects within OHR, providing DGS program support, assisting with managing OHR’s internal budget and invoicing process, and managing contracts within OHR.
Labor Relations
The Labor Relations Office advises in the interpretation of labor contracts, adjudicate employment disputes between management and rank and file staff, investigates and responds to grievances, and monitors and reports on changes to employee working conditions. It provides guidance to management and executive staff regarding laws, rules, and regulations as it relates to bargaining unit contracts.
Personnel Transactions and Payroll
The Personnel Transactions Unit (PTU) administers the payroll and benefits program including implementing and maintaining changes in employment status and pay in the state employment history and payroll systems, and processing benefit documents, appointments, separation, payroll and leave records. The Disability Transactions portion of PTU handles these functions for employees currently out on disability.
Return To Work
The Return-to-Work Unit acts as a liaison between DGS and State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) for workers’ compensation injuries, negotiates Reasonable Accommodation for employees with disabilities, administers the Catastrophic Leave program, and determines eligibility for FMLA/CFRA/PDL benefits. It also facilitates/monitors treatment/negotiates and obtains settlement authority for department employees returning employees to gainful employment.
General Information
Department of General Services
West Sacramento, CA 95605
Main Line: (916) 376-5400
Request Official Personnel Folder (OPF) Review
To review a DGS employee's OPF, email and attach a signed authorization form. The response time is 24 hours. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION.
For additional information, check out the Personnel Operations Manual.
Request Unavailable Documents
To request a document that is not available from the department’s website, please send a request by email using the button below or by phone at (916) 376-5400. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION.