The Workers’ Compensation (WC) Program provides compensation to employees for work-related injuries or illnesses, including medical treatment, temporary payment of lost wages, and permanent disability payments and is the exclusive remedy for an employee who is injured on the job.

All State of California employees are eligible.

After receiving treatment for the injury or illness, the employee must inform his/her supervisor of the physician’s medical opinion concerning the employee’s ability to return to work. All time off due to the injury or illness must be reported on the Project Accounting and Leave (PAL) system. No time is charged against leave credits on the day the injury or illness occurred; however, a notation must be made to show the date of injury on the PAL system.

Before the start of benefits, injured employees will serve a waiting period of three-calendar days. The waiting period need not be consecutive days. Partial days of absence for doctor appointments or authorized periods of disability may be accumulated to equal full days and charged to the waiting period. The waiting period is waived if the:

  • Injury was caused by a criminal act of violence, or
  • Employee is disabled more than 14 calendar days, or
  • Employee is eligible under Labor Code Section 4800/4800.5

There are seven types of temporary disability benefit programs available to state employees under WC:

  1. Industrial Disability Leave (IDL)
  2. Industrial Disability Leave with Supplementation (IDL/S)
  3. Enhanced Industrial Disability Leave (EIDL)
  4. Labor Code Section 4800 (peace officers only)
  5. Labor Code Section 4800.5 (peace officers only)
  6. Temporary Disability (TD)
  7. Temporary Disability with Supplementation (TD/S)

The Return to Work Unit, within the Office of Human Resources (OHR), is responsible for assisting employees who have been injured or ill that are work related. The primary objective of the unit is to return the injured or ill employee(s) to gainful employment as quickly as possible. The unit is also responsible for monitoring the administration of the department’s WC claims program and for case management. Fault or negligence by the employer or the employee is not considered in the injured employee’s claim for benefits.


Responsible Control Agencies

  • California Department of Human Resources
  • Department of Industrial Relations
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund
  • State Personnel Board

Laws and Regulations

  • CalHR Rules 599.755-599.769
  • Government Code section 19863-19863.1, 19865.1, 19869-19877.1, 20630-20639, 21150-21176, 21530-21554
  • Labor Code 6401.7; Chapter 12, Retirement From Employment, Article 6, Disability Retirement; Chapter 13, Retirement Benefits, Article 1, General Provisions; chapter 14, Death Benefits, Article 1, General Provisions 3200-3219, 3700-3709.1, 4600-4614.1
  • Insurance Code 11690-11703


Return to Work Unit

Department of General Services
Office of Human Resources

707 3rd Street, 7th Floor
West Sacramento, CA 95605