About Us
Christine M. Ciccotti (279) 799-3798 christine.ciccotti@dgs.ca.gov
Assistant Chief Counsel
Brian Davis (279) 799-4260 brian.davis@dgs.ca.gov
Chian He (279) 946-8604 chian.he@dgs.ca.gov
Henry Nanjo (279) 799-3736 henry.nanjo@dgs.ca.gov
Anna Woodrow (279) 946-8581 anna.woodrow@dgs.ca.gov
Katelyn Baeta-Orick (279)-799-4495 katelyn.baeta-orick@dgs.ca.gov
Viana Barbu (279) 799-3829 viana.barbu@dgs.ca.gov
Natalie Bocanegra (279) 799-3761 natalie.bocanegra@dgs.ca.gov
Richard Burton (279) 799-4223 richard.burton@dgs.ca.gov
Matthew Coker (279) 799-4205 matthew.coker@dgs.ca.gov
Nick Deal (279) 799-4504 nicholas.deal@dgs.ca.gov
Patrick Doust (279) 799-3772 patrick.doust@dgs.ca.gov
Ephraim Egan (279) 799-8634 ephraim.egan@dgs.ca.gov
Laurie Giberson (279) 799-3734 laurie.giberson@dgs.ca.gov
Stephanie Hodson (279) 946-8583 stephanie.hodson@dgs.ca.gov
Bryan Kimura (279) 946-8595 bryan.kimura@dgs.ca.gov
Krassimire Kostov (279) 799-3867 krassimire.kostov@dgs.ca.gov
Nicole Lorek-Robles (279) 799-3765 nicole.lorekrobles@dgs.ca.gov
Debbie Mallari (279) 239-6908 debbie.mallari@dgs.ca.gov
Lauren McDonald (279) 946-8127 lauren.mcdonald@dgs.ca.gov
Steven McGee (279) 946-8553 steven.mcgee@dgs.ca.gov
Daniel Phung (279)-799-3716 daniel.phung@dgs.ca.gov
Bianca Rodriguez (279) 946-8589 bianca.rodriguez@dgs.ca.gov
Froilan Zuno (279) 946-8640 froilan.zuno@dgs.ca.gov
Staff Services Manager I
Paul Streuli (279) 946-8529 paul.streuli@dgs.ca.gov
Administrative Assistant
Matt Lee (279) 946-8064 matt.lee@dgs.ca.gov
Intellectual Property Analyst
VacantLegal Support Analysts
Vera Hadley (279) 799-4412 vera.hadley@dgs.ca.gov
Jonathan Mendoza (279) 799-4383 jonathan.mendoza@dgs.ca.gov
Support Staff
Susan Burns (279) 799-3809 susan.burns@dgs.ca.gov
Allen Butler-Struben (279) 799-4090 allen.butlerstruben@dgs.ca.gov
DGS Offices/Divisions
Building Standards Commission (CBSC) - Viana Barbu
Commission on Disability Access (CCDA) - Debbie Mallari
Enterprise Technology Solutions - TBA
Executive Office - Laurie Giberson
Facilities Management Division (FMD) - Chris Kostov
FMD Direct Construction Unit - Chris Kostov
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) - Steven McGee
Office of Business & Acquisitions Services (OBAS)
General Contract Review and Advice - Laurie Giberson
Natural Gas Services - Bryan Kimura
Public Works - Viana Barbu
Office of Enterprise Development (OED) - Laurie Giberson
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity - David Cullen
Office of Fiscal Services (OFS) - Laurie Giberson
Office of Fleet & Asset Management (OFAM) - Nick Deal
Office of Human Resources (OHR) - David Cullen
Office of Legal Services (OLS) - Laurie Giberson
Office of Public Schools Construction (OPSC) - Ephraim Egan
Office of Risk & Insurance Management (ORIM)
Contract Review and Advice - Nick Deal
Litigation Advice - Nick Deal
Office of State Publishing (OSP) - Matthew Coker
Office of Sustainability - Bryan Kimura
Procurement Division (PD) - Patrick Doust
Information Technology - Patrick Doust
Masters Unit - Laurie Giberson
Office of Small Business & DVBE Services - Froilan Zuno
Pharmaceuticals - Patrick Doust
Real Estate Services Division (RESD)
RESD Asset Management Branch (AMB)
Portfolio Management Section - Bianca Rodriguez
Real Estate Leasing and Planning Section (RELPS) - Bianca Rodriguez
Real Property Services Section (RPSS) - Viana Barbu
State Owned Leasing and Development (SOLD) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
RESD Project Management & Development Branch (PMDB)
Architecture and Engineering - Viana Barbu
Energy Matters (Utilities) - Viana Barbu
Environmental Services (Seismic and Special Programs) - Viana Barbu
Project Management (Design and Construction) - Viana Barbu
State Architect, Division of (DSA) - Froilan Zuno
Administrative Law, Office of (OAL) - Patrick Doust
Aging, Dept. of - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Aging, Commission on - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Agricultural Labor Relations Board - Matthew Coker
Air Resources Board (ARB) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Alcoholic Beverage Control - Matthew Coker
Arts Council - Patrick Doust
Baldwin Hills Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Boating and Waterways - Bryan Kimura
Business and Consumer Services Agency - Ephraim Egan
Business and Economic Development (GoBiz) - Patrick Doust
Business Oversight, Dept. of - Ephraim Egan
CA Conservation Corps - Bianca Rodriguez
Cannabis, Dept. of (DCC) - Nick Deal
Central Valley Flood Protection Board (formerly Reclamation Board) - TBA
Child Support Services, Dept. of (DCSS) - Ephraim Egan
Children and Family Commission (First Five) - Viana Barbu
Citizen's Redistricting Commission - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Civil Rights Department (formerly DFEH) - Stephanie Hodson
Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Coastal Commission - Bryan Kimura
Coastal Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Colorado River Board - Bryan Kimura
Community Services and Development - Viana Barbu
Conservation, Dept. of - Bianca Rodriguez
Consumer Affairs, Dept. of (DCA) - Stephanie Hodson
Related Boards and Bureaus:
Accountancy, Board of
Acupuncture Board
Arbitration Certification Program
Architects Board, California
Athletic Commission of California
Automotive Repair, Bureau of
Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of
Behavioral Sciences, Board of
Cemetery and Funeral Bureau
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of
Contractors State License Board
Court Reporters Board
Dental Board of California
Dental Hygiene Board of California
Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, Board for Professional
Household Goods and Services, Bureau of
Landscape Architects Technical Committee
Medical Board of California
Naturopathic Medicine Committee
Occupational Therapy, California Board of
Optometry, Board of
Osteopathic Medical Board of California
Pharmacy, Board of
Physical Therapy Board of California
Physician Assistant Board
Podiatric Medical Board of California
Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for
Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (Office of Student Assistance and Relief)
Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
Psychology, Board of
Real Estate Appraisers, Bureau of
Registered Nursing, Board of
Respiratory Care Board
Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board
Structural Pest Control Board
Veterinary Medical Board
Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of
Controller's Office (SCO) - Natalie Bocanegra
Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR), Dept. of - Froilan Zuno
Delta Protection Commission - Bryan Kimura
Developmental Disabilities Area Boards - Bryan Kimura
Developmental Disabilities, State Council (SCDD) - Debbie Mallari
Developmental Services, Dept. of (DDS) - Nick Deal
Education, Dept. of (CDE) - Steven McGee
Education Audit Appeals Panel - TBA
Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) - Steven McGee
Emergency Services, Office of (OES) - Patrick Doust
Employment Development Department (EDD) - Steven McGee
Energy Resource Conservation and Development Commission - Patrick Doust
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment - Matthew Coker
Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Equalization, Board of (BOE) - Ephraim Egan
Exposition Park - Steven McGee
CA Science Center
CA African-American Museum
Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) - Patrick Doust
Fairs And Expositions - Matthew Coker
CA Exposition & State Fair (CalExpo)
CA Horse Racing Board (CHRB)
District Agricultural Association (DAA)
Finance, Dept. of (DOF) - Ephraim Egan
Financial Information System for California (Fi$Cal) - Bryan Kimura
Financial Protection and Innovation - Lauren McDonald
Fish And Wildlife, Dept. of - Natalie Bocanegra
Food and Agriculture, Dept. of (CDFA) - Bianca Rodriguez
Forestry & Fire Protection, Dept. of (CalFire) - Bryan Kimura
Forest Health Contracts (SB-85) (Multi-Agency Submissions) - Bryan Kimura
Franchise Tax Board (FTB) - Lauren McDonald
Gambling Control, Bureau of - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Gambling Control Commission - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Government Operations Agency (GovOps) - Patrick Doust
Governor's Office - Patrick Doust
Health & Human Services Agency, Dept. of (DHHS) - Steven McGee
Health Care Access and Information, Dept. of (HCAI) - Bianca Rodriguez
Health Care Services, Dept. of (DHCS) - Natalie Bocanegra
Alcohol & Drug Programs
High Speed Rail Authority (HSR) - Stephanie Hodson
Highway Patrol (CHP) - Matthew Coker
Horse Racing Board (CHRB) - Matthew Coker
Housing & Community Development (HCD) - Bryan Kimura
Human Resources, California Dept. of (CalHR) - Natalie Bocanegra
Industrial Relations, Dept. of (DIR) - Ephraim Egan
Inspector General, Office (OIG) - Steven McGee
Insurance, Dept. of - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Justice, Dept. of (DOJ) - Richard Burton
Lands Commission - Bryan Kimura
Library - Richard Burton
Little Hoover Commission - Patrick Doust
Lt. Governor's Office - Patrick Doust
Managed Health Care, Dept. of (DMHC) - Natalie Bocanegra
Military, Dept. of - Richard Burton
Motor Vehicles, Dept. of (DMV) - Chris Kostov
Native American Heritage Commission - Patrick Doust
Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Delta Stewardship Council (DSC)
Office of Energy Infrastructure and Safety (OEIS)
Parks and Recreation, Dept. of - Bianca Rodriguez
Peace Officer Standards & Training Commission (POST) - Nick Deal
Correctional Peace Officer Standards & Training
Personnel Board (SPB) - Bryan Kimura
Pesticide Regulation - Richard Burton
Pilot Commissioners - Patrick Doust
Planning & Research, Office of (OPR) - Patrick Doust
Prison Industry Authority, California (CalPIA) - Lauren McDonald
Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Public Defender's Office - Bryan Kimura
Public Employment Relations Board(PERB) - Stephanie Hodson
Public Health, Dept. of (CDPH) - Stephanie Hodson
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) - Patrick Doust
Real Estate, Dept. of (DRE) - David Cullen
Rehabilitation, Dept. of (DOR) - Debbie Mallari
Resources Recycling and Recovery, Dept. of (CalRecycle) - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
San Diego River Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
San Francisco Bay Conservation - Bryan Kimura
San Joaquin River Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Secretary of State (SOS) - Lauren McDonald
Senior Legislature, California - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Service & Volunteerism, Governor's Office - Patrick Doust
Sierra Nevada Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Social Services, Dept. of (DSS) - Natalie Bocanegra
State Hospitals, Dept. of (DSH) - Ephraim Egan
State Lands Commission - Bryan Kimura
State Treasurer's Office (STO) - Natalie Bocanegra
Related Boards, Authorities and Commissions:
California ABLE Act Board (CalABLE)
California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA)
California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC)
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC)
California Educational Facilities Authority (CEFA)
California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA)
California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA)
CalSavers Retirement Savings Board (CalSavers)
California School Finance Authority (CSFA)
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC)
ScholarShare Investment Board (SIB)
Status of Women, Commission on - Laurie Giberson
Student Aid Commission - Patrick Doust
Summer School For Arts - Laurie Giberson
Tahoe Conservancy - Bryan Kimura
Tax Appeals, Office of - Lauren McDonald
Tax and Fee Administration, Dept. of - Lauren McDonald
Teachers Credentialing Commission - Nicole Lorek-Robles
Technology, Dept. of - Patrick Doust
Technology and Solutions Integration - Patrick Doust
Toxic Substance Control, Dept. of (DTSC) - David Cullen
Traffic Safety, Office of - Laurie Giberson
Transportation Agency - Laurie Giberson
Transportation, Dept. of (CalTrans) - Laurie Giberson
Transportation Commission - Laurie Giberson
Urban Waterfront Areas - Bryan Kimura
Veteran Affairs, Dept. (CalVet) - Debbie Mallari
Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) - Steven McGee
Volunteers Commission, California - Patrick Doust
Water Resources, Dept. of (DWR) - David Cullen
Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) - Viana Barbu
Department of General Services
Office of Legal Services
West Sacramento, CA 95605
Phone: (916) 376-5080
Questions relating to protests should be submitted via email.
Email: OLSProtests@dgs.ca.gov