Applying for New Purchasing Authority - 100.7
Requesting New Purchasing Authority
A state department that does not currently have purchasing authority must submit a Purchasing Authority Application (PAA) and required attachments (as noted on the PAA) to the Purchasing Authority Unit (PAU).
Contact PAU for a copy of the Purchasing Authority Application (PAA). The PAA includes procedures on how to complete and submit the request.
Review and approval processing time is approximately 30 days.
Approval of a Purchasing Authority Application (PAA)
The Purchasing Authority Unit (PAU) will review the PAA to ensure that all attachments are received, complete, and that the content is compliant with purchasing authority requirements.
Upon approval of the PAA by the PAU, the state department will receive a Purchasing Authority Approval Letter (PAAL) that specifies the approved purchasing authority acquisition types, methods, and corresponding dollar thresholds.
PAALs will be electronically mailed to the state department's Purchasing Authority Contact (PAC), with a copy to the Procurement and Contracting Officer (PCO). If the state department has not designated a PAC, the PAAL will be electronically mailed to the PCO.
For state departments purchasing on behalf of other state departments, the primary state department is responsible for notifying the secondary state department of the approval.
The Purchasing Authority Number
The purchasing authority number is assigned by the PAU upon approval of the PAA and is identified on the PAAL.
Renewing Existing Purchasing Authority
Effective January 2016, state departments do not need to renew their purchasing authority on an annual basis.
No Revisions for this item.