Procuring for Another Department (Secondary Department) - 100.9
Procuring for Another Department (Secondary Department)
Departments must obtain DGS/PD approval to purchase on behalf of another department. Submission of the Purchasing Authority Application (PAA) is required for DGS/PD approval.
To assist small departments with their business needs, DGS/PD will consider PAAs for one department to procure for another. It is not a standard practice, nor is it intended to set a precedent, to allow one department to procure for another department. Rather, this practice may be allowed where needed by departments without procurement staff or when the procurement staff does not have the requisite procurement expertise.
Requesting Authority to Procure for Another Department
Authority for one department to procure for another is not automatically granted by virtue of a department being granted purchasing authority. This authority must be requested. If approved, the authority will be granted to the procuring department for the same purchasing authority number(s), type(s), category/sub-category(ies), and dollar threshold limits for which the procuring department has been approved.
Conditions for Requesting Authority to Procure for Another Department
Departments may request authority to purchase for another department and may be granted such authority under the following conditions:
- Both departments must reside within the same Agency.
- If the department for which procurement activities will be conducted does not have the requisite procurement expertise to conduct its own procurement activities, the reason for the lack of staff and/or staff expertise must be explained, as well as the reason(s) for not submitting the procurement activities to the DGS/PD.
- The procuring department must have current purchasing authority and a purchasing authority history that supports its ability to conduct procurement activities for another department.
- The purchasing authority will be granted to the procuring department for the same purchasing authority number(s), type(s), category/sub-category(ies), and dollar threshold limits for which the procuring department is currently authorized. The department granted purchasing authority to procure for another department is accountable and responsible for procurement activities conducted under that purchasing authority.
- Authority to procure for another department will not be granted to a department requesting new purchasing authority.
The procuring department will not have any departments procure for them under any circumstances. The procuring department must also conduct the purchase on behalf of the department and not sub-delegate that authority elsewhere. The department for which procurement activities will be conducted does not have authority to make any purchases.
No Revisions for this item.