Desktop and Mobile Computing Purchases - 1012


CDT delegates authority to acquire desktop and mobile computer goods to departments that (see SAM section 4989-4989.3):

  • Have submitted acceptable Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP) or DRP certifications to CDT,
  • Maintain compliance with all applicable state IT security provisions as defined in SAM section 4800, and
  • Have appropriate plans for the use of desktop and mobile computing goods.


Under the Desktop and Mobile Computing Policy (DMCP) departments may acquire desktop and mobile computing goods necessary to support programmatic functions and business needs may be acquired.

This does not exclude departments from continuing to establish and maintain appropriate standards for the purchase of desktop and mobile computing goods.

Allowed Purchases

The DMCP includes the acquisition and support of:

  • Personal computers
  • Laptop computers
  • Personal digital assistants
  • Peripheral equipment (e.g., printers)
  • Local Area Networks
  • Other equipment and software commonly required for most state employees to perform daily business transactions.
  • Software typically purchased and installed on a standard desktop or mobile computer such as:
    • Word processing
    • Spreadsheets
    • Desktop database
    • Other non-modifiable commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)

See SAM, Section 4989.1-4989.3 for additional desktop and mobile computing information.

Excluded Purchases

In accordance with SAM, Section 4989.2 the following activities are excluded from the DMCP and must be justified in accordance with SAM, Sections 4819.3 through 4819.42:

  • IT Projects – as defined in SAM, Section 4819.2, beyond the acquisition, installation and operation of DMCP goods.
  • Budget Actions – any acquisition, maintenance or support of desktop and mobile computing IT goods, which requires a Budget Change Proposal, a Budget Revision or other budget action.
  • Specialized or single-purpose systems – such as computer-aided design systems, desktop publishing systems, programmer workbench systems or artificial intelligence systems.
  • Infrastructure or platform migration – acquisitions associated with or mandated by a change in a department’s standard technical architecture for servers, desktops and/or mobile computing platforms. Migrating to a newer version within the existing standard’s product family is not considered an infrastructure or platform migration.
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN) – acquisition, maintenance or support of desktop and mobile computing goods specifically to install or operate a WAN.

File Documentation

Purchases acquired under the DMCP for desktop and mobile computing equipment must include, within the procurement file, sufficient justification to support that the purchase was conducted in accordance with established hardware, software and security standards for desktop and mobile computing. The documentation supporting the purchase must also be uploaded into FI$Cal.

A statement of fact must be included for each purchase executed under the authority of the DMCP.

Legal Reference

Not Applicable.

Related Policy, Procedures & Resources

State Administrative Manual, Section 4989 - 4989.3

State Administrative Manual, Section 4800


Not Applicable.


No Revisions for this item.

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