Special Category NCB Request (SCR) - 1505
Special Category NCB Request Definition
A Special Category NCB Request (SCR) represents categories of contracts for the purchase of non-IT goods and IT goods and services necessary to achieve a department’s program objectives in a timely manner. DGS has determined in advance and in writing, that for a specific type of category of non-IT goods and IT goods and services there is no viable competition, or that due to critical time requirements such competition cannot be completed by the exercise of reasonable efforts prior to the time such non-IT goods and IT goods and services are required (e.g. emergencies).
All SCRs must be submitted electronically through the NCB Portal.
Individual SCR for Each Category
A SCR must be completed and approved for each category of non-IT goods and IT goods and services being requested and submitted to DGS/PD for consideration and approval.
The SCR is not to be used for emergencies, nor is it to be used to aggregate requests on behalf of other departments.
SCR Dollar Threshold and Duration
All SCRs have a maximum authorized dollar limit and a maximum “window of approval” not to exceed three (3) calendar years from the date of DGS/PD approval unless renewed by submission of a new SCR.
Example: A department submits an SCR for eight (8) $1,000.00 purchases per year over a three (3) year period for a maximum of $24,000.00. The SCR cannot exceed $24,000.00.
Note: SCRs must be re-requested 45 days prior to expiration, as they cannot be amended.
SCR Reference Number Assigned
Each approved SCR will be assigned an SCR reference number by DGS/PD. This SCR number must be recorded on any purchase order executed under the SCR approval. This is in addition to the department’s approved purchasing authority number.
Executing the Purchase
Departments with purchasing authority may proceed with execution of purchase documents in accordance with an approved SCR.
DGS/PD must execute all approved SCR purchase documents for departments without purchasing authority and for transactions exceeding a department’s purchasing authority. In these instances, the requesting department will submit a requisition for non-IT goods and IT goods and services through workflow in FI$Cal.
Unless otherwise required by a department’s internal process, transactions placed against an approved SCR do not require approval signature on the purchase document by the Department’s Director and Agency Secretary or immediate next ranking official since these signatures are obtained during the initial SCR approval process.
Tracking Purchases
Departments must track all SCR purchase documents executed under an approved SCR authority, including transactions processed by DGS/PD, and provide reports to DGS/PD as requested.
Information to be tracked will include at a minimum the following:
- Special Category (SCR) approval number issued,
- Dates of transactions,
- Dollar amounts of transactions,
- Supplier names.
SCR Usage Oversight
Purchase documents executed under an approved SCR may be reviewed during the department’s triennial accreditation review.
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