Master Agreement (MA) Basics - 1610.1

Review the MA

The MA must be reviewed in its entirety (contract, supplements and user instructions) to determine what requirements are applicable to the department's business need. Most often, an MA will have the requirement to seek offers from authorized suppliers to determine and obtain best value. There are MAs that have been designated "either" by statute or policy from obtaining multiple offers. Buyers should reference the MA user instructions for guidelines.

What is required to use an MA

The following must be verified before executing an MA order:

  • Whether execution of the order is authorized under the department's purchasing authority.
  • Note: This is a requirement for departments with purchasing authority   and does not apply to the DGS/PD when conducting procurements on behalf of customers.

  • Whether the execution of the order requires prior approval?
  • What additional requests for offers from other authorized providers identified within the contract are required.
  • Whether the estimated dollar amount requires prior DGS review and approval before issuing an award.

User Instructions

Individual MAs provide user instructions unique to each agreement.  User instructions include information such as whether or not the MA requires multiple offers, whether selection of an offer shall be based on “best value and reports that may be required.

Consequently, the user instructions must be read thoroughly in order to properly execute an order and complete any reports required by the individual agreement.

Dollar Threshold Limitations

Departments may not execute a non-IT services MA transaction in excess of purchasing authority dollar threshold.  Additionally, departments executing a non-IT services transaction of $50,000 or more from a non-IT MA must obtain DGS/Office of Legal Services (OLS) review and approval prior to executing the purchase document.  Refer to the individual non-IT services MA user instructions for further requirements regarding the OLS review and approval process.


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