Receiving Service Deliverables - 2000.7

Accepting or Rejecting Services

Buyers, in preparing Contract/POs documents for services, must develop a clear, concise, and detailed description of the services to be performed.  An individual or individuals must be assigned to monitor supplier performance.  Any deviations or unacceptable performance levels shall be documented and provided to the buyer to assist in problem resolution.

Staff accepting written deliverables must provide the supplier with written documentation accepting the deliverable.

Maintenance Services

Departments acquiring equipment maintenance services should develop a uniform method for recording data relating to the repair or maintenance of equipment, which includes essential data pertaining to incidents of repair or maintenance.  Essential data includes documenting goods and services information required by policy i.e. EnergyStar appliances, third-party certified carpet, SABRC compliance, etc.

Tracking Maintenance Services

The following essential data is required in resolving disputes between the supplier and the department with respect to performance:

  • The time the maintenance provider was notified by the State,
  • The time the maintenance provider personnel arrived to repair the malfunction,
  • The time the component and/or system was returned to service,
  • A description of the parts (including manufacture and part number), goods or equipment used in providing the repair or service
  • A description of the malfunction or incident; and
  • Signature of the maintenance provider and a representative of the State.

A maintenance form should be prepared whenever a system or component is inoperative and left open until the repair is completed.

Creating History

Developing a process for tracking maintenance levels creates a performance history that assists contract administrators in reviewing contract performance, and provides necessary information to determine when a system, or component, is covered under warrantee or needs replacement (end of useful life).


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