Ethical Decision Making and Contract Administration - 2100.4

Work Behaviors and Awareness

Staff, other than buyers, that perform contract administration functions, not only need to understand how to administer a contract but are also expected to adhere to and conduct business by maintaining the same ethical standards as if they were a buyer.

Review Contract Principles

Buyers that are turning over the contract administration functions to a person unfamiliar with the acquisition process should review with that person the principles of conduct governing the acquisition process and its impact to the role of the contract administrator.

Contract administrators must:

  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner, refraining from mixing outside friendships with business, not engaging in incompatible activities, conflicts of interest, or unethical behavior.
  • Accurately account for expenditures and property received.
  • Be aware that perceptions can override reality.
  • Involve the department’s procurement and legal resources staff when questions arise regarding acceptable or unacceptable behavior when dealing with suppliers.

Ethics Review 

Buyers and contract administrators are advised to review their department’s statement of incompatible activities, State Administrative Manual, Section 3504 on ethics and prohibited practices, and refer to the Procurement Planning section.

Complete Form 700, Conflict of Interest Form, and department’s Statement of Incompatible Activities.

Additional information on ethics may also be found at the Fair Political Practices Commission.


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