Report Requirements
Departments are required to measure, monitor and report progress of EPP purchases pursuant to Executive Order B-18-12. Progress is measured by capturing purchases that meet DGS requirements.
Due Dates
Departments are to submit reports through FI$Cal by October 31st for the previous fiscal year on purchasing activities and dollars spent for EPP designated purchases.
How to Report
A report is generated from the FI$Cal system for designated FI$Cal departments. Exempt and deferred departments will submit their purchasing data during their SCPRS upload. By recording EPP attributes within FI$Cal EPP/SABRC section departments will be able to monitor their progress through FI$Cal reports.
EPP attributes are item and/or contract specific therefore Buyers must list goods separately by item and separate from labor cost. To document an EPP purchases Buyers shall identify the purchase as EPP and record all applicable information:
- DGS Purchasing Standard
- Third-Party Environmental Certification(s)
- SABRC Compliant Product
- SABRC Category
- Postconsumer Recycled Content (PCRC)
- Total Recycled Content (TRC)Take-Back Program
Reporting Tools
The Department of General Services provides additional information, guidance and tools to assist departments in reporting EPP expenditures.
Click here for access to the DGS Buying Green Website and DGS Purchasing Standards
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