Officials Move Dirt at Groundbreaking Ceremony

It was perfect weather at the highly anticipated DGS groundbreaking ceremony for the new Natural Resources Headquarters building on the block of 7th and 8th Streets and O and P Streets, and the new office building at 12th and O Street. The buildings are part of the department’s 10-year sequencing plan for the renovation or replacement of state facilities in the Sacramento area.
The new Natural Resources Headquarters building will be 21 stories and approximately 875,000 gross square feet with 3,400 occupants, and is scheduled for completion in August 2021. Future tenants include the California Natural Resources Agency, Department of Water Resources, CAL FIRE, Department of Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Parks and Recreation and the Wildlife Conservation Board.
This article is a re-post. To view the full Officials Move Dirt at Groundbreaking Ceremony article or see other articles about DGS, go to DGS Newswire.
For additional information, go to the P Street Project Page and the O Street Project Page