(New: 10/1999)

Nature of Transaction: 

Entry No. A–8 is semi-reversed as of July 1.

Journal Entry for General Ledger Accounts:


3010 Accounts Payable a/

6150 Encumbrances b/


5350 Reserve for Encumbrances b/

9000 Appropriation Expenditures c/

9893 Prior Year Appropriation Adjustments d/

a/  Amount credited to Accounts Payable in entry A–8.

b/ Amount of expenditures accrued in Entry A–8 applicable to continuing appropriations still available for encumbrance in the new fiscal year, plus the adjustment amount of any other encumbrances applicable to those appropriations that were liquidated in Entry A–8 but are valid encumbrances of the new fiscal year.

c/ Amount of expenditures accrued in Entry A–8 applicable to continuing appropriations still available for encumbrance in the new fiscal year.

d/ Amount of expenditures accrued in Entry A–8 applicable to appropriations no longer available for encumbrance in the new fiscal year but not yet reverted.



List of valid obligations supporting Entry A–8.


This entry reverses the accounts payable accrued in Entry A–8 so that: (l) expenditures from continuing appropriations may be recorded in the same manner as other current expenditures; and (2) expenditures from appropriations no longer available for encumbrance may be posted to the Prior-Year Appropriation Adjustments accounts on a claims filed basis without adjusting for each transaction wherein the amount paid differs from the amount accrued at June 30.

The amounts recorded in this entry also will be posted to the applicable Allotment- Expenditure Ledger accounts or Prior Year Appropriation Adjustments Ledger accounts.

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