PURCHASED STORES - 10821-Feb-1965
The storekeeper will record on Stock Received Report, Std. Form 106, the receipt of goods immediately upon delivery. This document will be prepared in duplicate. The original will be sent to the accounting office. The duplicate will be retained by the storekeeper. Std. Form 106 will show from whom the goods were received, date of their receipt, Purchase Order number, estimate number, how received, car number in case of carload shipments, and the name and quantity of each article received. If, when goods are received, the storekeeper discovers that the vendor has shipped goods not in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Order, he will promptly notify the business manager of the fact and ask for disposition of the shipment. Daily, the storekeeper will sign all Stock Received Reports covering goods received and forward them to the accounting office. The practice of direct delivery of materials to points other than the stores warehouses should be avoided whenever possible. The storekeeper will check carefully all materials received.
The accounting office will check the numerical sequence of the Stock Received Reports to verify that all the Stock Received Reports have been received from the storekeeper. The Stock Received Reports then will be posted to the Purchased Stores Ledger. The documents then will be kept in an open file pending receipt of the vendor's invoice. The Stock Received Reports will be filed in numerical sequence after the vendors' invoices have been scheduled for payment. The amount of goods on order but not received can be determined directly from the copy of the Purchase Order furnished to the accounting office. All unfilled Purchase Orders will be held in an open file. When goods are received, the accounting office will check off on the Purchase Order the items received and show on the Purchase Order the number of the Stock Received Report on which the receipt of the goods was recorded. If the shipment completely fills the order, the Purchase Order will be transferred from the open to the completed Purchase Order file. If the shipment only partially completes the order, then the Purchase Order will be retained in the open file. Thus, the open Purchase Order file will show at all times the goods which have been ordered but not received.