Consulting Agencies. Refers to clearinghouses and State, local, and nonprofit agencies that participate in the preparation and review of State plans. These include agencies that run related programs, serve the same clients, or offer special expertise on clients or services.
DOF. The Department of Finance.
Early Consultation Meeting. Refers to a presentation by the agency preparing the plan to the consulting agencies. The meeting takes place before submission of the draft State plan. Consulting agencies present issues and identify opportunities for coordination at the meeting. This meeting is the most important step in the coordinated preparation and review process of State plans.
- O. 12372.A Presidential Executive Order.
OPR. The Office of Planning and Research.
Preparing Agency. The agency with the primary responsibility for writing a State plan. The State agency that administers federally funded activities is the "preparing agency".
State Plan. Plans by State agencies that promulgate State objectives and standards, or determine or affect the allocation or administration of State or Federal funds. This includes, but is not limited to, all mandated State plans subject to review under E.O. 12372, Part III. A State plan may include:
- Policy directives.
- A program for development of facilities.
- Guidelines for governmental activities.
- Federal grant applications.
- Recommended actions.
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