Government Code Section 65030 declares that the future growth of the State should be guided by an effective planning process. This process should proceed within the framework of goals and policies that address:
- Land use.
- Population growth and distribution.
- Urban expansion.
- Other relevant physical, social, and economic development factors.
Government Code Section 65036 states the need to ensure orderly planning by units of State government who have responsibility for specific functions. State plans must also start with common assumptions and forecasts of statewide growth and development.
Examples are:
- Water development.
- Transportation.
- Natural resources.
- Economic development.
- Human resources.
Education Code Section 56881 requires OPR to "establish procedures for the development and review of State agency plans" that use Federal funds for programs that may serve handicapped children. The purposes of the review are to assure coordination of programs serving handicapped children and to secure all available Federal funding.
Government Code Section 65032 states the need to integrate the planning and the executive budgeting functions. The purpose of integrating these functions is to allocate fiscal and other resources of the State among the competing programs.
Government Code Section 65040 establishes OPR as the overall State planning agency. OPR's purpose is to serve the Governor and the Cabinet, as staff, for long range planning and research. Section 65040 authorizes OPR to "assist in the orderly preparation of" and "regularly evaluate" State plans. In addition, E. O. 12372, Part III requires that the Governor or his delegated agency review State plans and local needs. Clearinghouses are also encouraged to review the plans and needs.
OPR's authority to implement the E.O. 12372 process is provided by Government Code Section 12035. This section of the Government Code designates OPR as the State Clearinghouse for E.O. 12372. Executive Order D-24-83 directs the Office to coordinate Federal grants.
Government Code Section 13073 establishes the Population Research Unit and its duties. The duties include:
- "Providing adequate demographic data to aid effective State and local planning and policy making."
- "Serving all levels of government and the private sector as the centralized State source of demographic data."
Section 13073 assures that State planning, funding and policy making for all agencies is done with the same set of population and enrollment data. Where they exist, Council of Government forecasts should be used if they do not exceed DOF's baseline regional forecasts.
No Revisions for this item.