The Environmental Services program has extensive experience in environmental due diligence including the preparation, review and oversight of environmental studies and documents, environmental impact reports/statements, and permits as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other environmental laws. Environmental Services staff prepares environmental documents and analyses for a full range of projects and programs such as State facilities (e.g., offices, communication towers, fire stations, hospitals, parks, museums, hatcheries, and laboratories), infrastructure improvements, environmental restoration, and regulatory programs.
The Environmental Services program has extensive experience in environmental due diligence including the preparation, review and oversight of environmental studies and documents, environmental impact reports/statements, and permits as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and other environmental laws. Environmental Services staff prepares environmental documents and analyses for a full range of projects and programs such as State facilities (e.g., offices, communication towers, fire stations, hospitals, parks, museums, hatcheries, and laboratories), infrastructure improvements, environmental restoration, and regulatory programs.
CEQA requires consideration of the environmental impacts of public projects, including but not limited to those involving public works, improvements to public structures, leases and permits, and laws and plans involving such projects. It is the responsibility of the requesting agency (lead agency) to comply. Refer to the Public Resources Code 21000 et seq. for more information. The Environmental Services staffs are available on a fee basis to complete environmental studies, compliance, and State and federal requirements.
Specialized services include:
- Permits and/or consultation with regulatory and environmental agencies, including SHPO, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Coastal Conservancy, FAA, Water Quality Control Board, Dept. of Toxic Substances Control, local and regional agencies.
- Site suitability studies as part of site selection and acquisition.
- Community planning meetings, consensus building, public outreach and involvement.
- Studies and assessments include cultural resources (archaeology, architectural history, and historic resources), biological resources (wetlands, endangered species, and stream crossings), visual impacts, traffic, air quality/greenhouse gas emissions, geology/soils, hydrology/water quality, and toxics.
- Environmental project management, planning, budgeting.
- Hazardous Materials investigation and remediation, Underground Storage Tank Compliance
- Construction monitoring, SWPPP, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plans
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