Assembly Bill 1826 (PRC Sections 42649.8 - 42649.86) was passed in September 2014 requiring businesses, including state agencies, which generate certain amounts of organic waste per week to have organic waste recycling programs. On and after January 1, 2016, local jurisdictions across the state are required to implement an organic waste recycling program to divert organic waste generated by businesses, including state agencies.
The types of organic material that the law requires organic waste programs to address include: food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste.
This law phases the requirement to have organic waste recycling programs over time. In particular, the minimum threshold of organic waste generation by businesses, including state agencies, decreases over time, which means that an increasingly greater proportion of the commercial sector will be required to comply.
The phased requirement dates to have organic waste recycling programs: 8 or more cubic yards of organic material per week – April 1, 2016
4 or more cubic yards of organic material per week – January 1, 2017
4 or more cubic yards of solid waste per week – January 1, 2019
2 or more cubic yards of solid waste per week, if statewide disposal of organic waste is not decreased by half – January 1, 2020.
State Agencies can comply with the new requirements by taking one or any combination of the following actions:
Source-separate organic waste from other waste and subscribe to an organic waste recycling service that specifically includes collection and recycling of organic waste. Recycle organic waste onsite, such as composting, anaerobic digestion, vermicomposting, or self-haul to an organics recycling facility.
Subscribe to an organic waste recycling service that includes mixed-waste processing that specifically recycles organic waste.
Sell or donate the generated organic waste. (Continued)
Please refer to Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (MORe) FAQS under “Business” to answer additional questions on how an agency qualifies as a business CalRecycle FAQ.
Listed below are some steps to take:
Review the background and overview to Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling CalRecycle Organics.
Check with your CalRecycle LAMD representative to discover what organics recycling programs are or will be available in your jurisdiction or area.
If applicable, coordinate with the building owner regarding areas for collecting, storing and loading the organics.
Implement additional programs, when possible or required. Each type of organics recycling program may not be required for your agency and will depend on the jurisdiction or area.
Refer to SAM 1950 for State Agency Responsibilities.
Report on programs in the annual State Agency Waste Management Report due May 1st each year
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