(New: 05/2019)

A. Printing Services Exemption Request Process

Pursuant to Government Code 14850 and SAM Section 2800(B), state agencies must procure printing services through the Office of State Publishing (OSP). Exemptions from the use of OSP services are granted when it is not feasible for OSP to prepare the work due to production or equipment constraints or when OSP determines that the work could be more efficiently performed by a state agency in-plant printing operation authorized under SAM section 2875 (hereinafter “in-plant”). The exemption process does not apply when OSP delegates work to an in-plant due to time or equipment constraints at OSP.

To request an exemption from the use of OSP services, the customer agency must submit a Printing Services Exemption Request (PSER) to their agency’s designated OSP customer service representative (see SAM Section 2810(A) for customer service representative information). The agency must complete each section of the PSER in accordance with the provisions of the PSER Instructions document. The exemption process applies to both governmental and private sector printers. The use of a private sector printer must be justified by the agency under the provisions of Government Code Section 19130.

Electronic copies of the PSER and the PSER Instructions can be found on OSP’s website at: https://www.dgs.ca.gov/OSP/Forms.

The customer agency must allow OSP sufficient time to review and analyze the PSER, and, if the exemption will not be granted, to onboard the print work. OSP will not consider exemption requests submitted less than thirty (30) calendar days before the due date identified on the PSER. However, OSP may alter the deadline if an exemption is necessitated by extraordinary circumstances outside of an agency’s control, such as a response to a natural disaster.

The Statewide In-Plant Operations Manager will review the PSER, indicate whether the request is approved or denied, and, if approved, provide the submitting agency with an OSP exemption number.

A copy of the proposed interagency agreement or printing contract must be sent to the Statewide In-Plant Operations Manager at inplantopsmanager@dgs.ca.gov by the project due date identified on the PSER.

No interagency agreement for printing services or printing services contract may be executed without an OSP-approved PSER. All approved PSERs will be recorded and reported to the Department of General Services’ (DGS) Office of Legal Services (OLS). OLS will not approve contracts for printing services, being either the purpose of the contract or a component thereof, without first receiving an approved PSER. Invoices for printing services submitted to the State Controller’s Office without an OSP-approved PSER will not be processed.

B. Sales Tax

Pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code 6006, sales tax must be applied and itemized separately on procurement documents for printing services.

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