- Records Requirement
State agency in-plant printing operations (hereinafter “in-plants”), as defined in SAM Section 2875(A), must maintain accurate records of their production activity. Production activity includes, but is not limited to, the annual output hours for each piece of printing equipment (including offset presses, digital presses, and bindery and finishing equipment), the average operating speed of each press on a monthly basis, and a comprehensive accounting of each job produced and the equipment used in production (press and bindery/finishing). These records shall be used by the in-plant to complete the annual In-Plant Printing Operations Report (IPPOR) (see SAM Section 2875(F) for the annual reporting requirement). These records must be made available to the State Printer upon request.
- Equipment Annual Output Hours
“Annual output hours” is the amount of time during a calendar year that a piece of printing equipment is being actively utilized in production. Production preparation, employee rest periods, and repair and maintenance periods are not counted as output hours. The state standard for annual output hours for printing equipment is 1500 hours per 8-hour shift per year, which accounts for state holidays, labor standards, and start-up/shut-down periods.
All in-plants are to establish and maintain a data management process for accurately tracking annual output hours for each piece of printing equipment operated by the in-plant.
Sample production log template for manual output hours tracking is available on the OSP website at:
- Record-Keeping Methods
In order to comply with the record-keeping requirements in Sections A and B, in-plants may utilize either an automated Management Information System (MIS) to electronically track final products or manually log each job in production using a paper record system.
No Revisions for this item.