(Revised: 10/2023)

State agencies are required to reutilize their Reusable Electronic Equipment for which the agency has no further use through the Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM), Surplus Property and Reutilization (SP&R) program.

Where state agencies identify surplus electronic equipment with no useful life remaining (E-Waste), agencies are required, to the maximum extent feasible, to recycle its E-Waste using the services of the California Prison Industry Authority’s (CALPIA) certified E-Waste recycling and computer refurbishing program. More information is available on the CALPIA E-Waste website. Where an agency determines that electronic equipment to still be usable, the equipment should not be considered E-Waste and should be disposed of in accordance with SAM Section 3520.

It is the responsibility of state agencies to determine which equipment meets the definition of E-Waste or Reusable Electronic Equipment, per the definitions provided below. OFAM SP&R will validate that equipment meets the appropriate definition when reviewing agencies’ Property Survey Report (STD. 152) submitted online through the Property Survey Reports Portal.

Where an agency is granted an exemption pursuant to Subsection B below, the agency is required to use the services of a California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)-authorized E-Waste recycler.

Agencies with E-Waste located in the CALPIA pickup zone must utilize CALPIA as their E-Waste recycler. A map of CALPIA’s E-Waste Disposal & Recycling Centers can be found at CALPIA’s E-Waste website. Agencies utilizing CALPIA for E-Waste services shall complete a CALPIA Customer Product Requirement Review form (EWR-F100) after the STD. 152 has been approved by OFAM SP&R in order to schedule a pickup or drop-off with CALPIA.

A.  Media Sanitization:

Agencies are responsible for the sanitization of surplus electronic equipment whether the equipment is reusable or E-Waste. Agencies are responsible for sanitizing all surplus electronic equipment in accordance with SAM Section 5365.3 and submitting an STD. 152 to SP&R through the Surplus Property Survey Report Portal.

B.  Exemption:

If an agency’s E-Waste is located outside of CALPIA’s pickup zone, the agency shall determine if the E-Waste meets CALPIA’s pickup quantity threshold, pursuant to criteria and guidelines outlined in E-Waste Exemption Request Form (EWR-F400). If the E-Waste meets the pickup threshold, agencies shall use CALPIA E-Waste services.

If the E-Waste does not meet CALPIA’s pickup threshold, the agency shall either drop E-Waste off at one of CALPIA’s designated E-Waste drop-off locations or complete an EWR-F400 form to receive CALPIA approval to use an alternative DTSC-authorized E-Waste recycler.

CALPIA cannot accept cell phones. If an agency has cell phones that have been identified as E-Waste, the agency shall select a DTSC-authorized E-Waste recycler other than CALPIA.


Reusable Electronic Equipment: Means any device that requires electric power to operate, is still usable and retains value. Electric power is typically provided by either plugging the device into an electrical outlet with a cord or by battery for wireless devices. Common examples of reusable electronic equipment include working televisions, microwaves, telephones, computers, monitors, cell phones, printers, and copiers.

E-Waste: Means electronic equipment that is no longer in working condition, irreparable or unusable, or past its agency-identified useful life. Electronic equipment that is usable and still retains value is not considered E-Waste as it can be reutilized through the OFAM SP&R program.


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