INCREASE - 3559.1
The Request for Purchase Order or Estimate Change STD. 96, is required:
If the original estimated cost is less than $1,000 and the increase amounts to $100 or more and exceeds the estimated cost by 25%.
If the original estimated cost is from $1,000 to $4,999 and the increase amounts to
$250 or more and exceeds the estimated cost by 10%.
If the original estimated cost is at least $5,000 and the increase amounts to $500 or more, regardless of percentage.
When requested by the Office of Procurement, Department of General Services, for specific estimates.
The percentages noted above pertain to the total dollar amount encumbered on the purchase estimate for one or more items, not to the individual line items listed.
If agencies wish to be advised of an anticipated expenditure that would exceed a specific amount, it should be noted on their estimate; i.e., "If expenditure exceeds $ , notify agency before Purchase Order is issued."
For additional information regarding requirements for reporting the purchase of goods and services, see Management Memo MM15-02.