(Revised: 03/2007)

Intercity Moves. You can transport State-owned uncrated furniture, fixtures, and equipment between cities within California by using padded van carriers that specialize in moving new furniture or used household goods. State property that is protectively packed in cartons or crates may be transported at much less cost by general freight carriers.

Linehaul rates of household goods carriers, which include inside pickup and inside delivery subject to extra charges for long carries, stairs, and elevators, are the most costly and do not include any packing labor and materials. To avoid mandatory carrier- assessed valuation charges, orders for transportation by household goods carriers must specify in writing "Shipper hereby releases the entire shipment to a value not exceeding 60 cents per pound per article."

For intercity transportation by any of these types of carriers, use an appropriate PUC licensed carrier at rates not to exceed PUC minimum rates based on weight and distance. Before the move you should have a clear understanding with the carrier that charges will be assessed against actual weight as shown by the public weighmaster's certificate(s).

Local or Hand Moves. You may use any of the following methods to get a contractor for a move within a building or between buildings in the same metropolitan area. However, you may only lawfully hire PUC licensed carriers for moves that involve transportation over the public streets and highways.

  1. You may use the DGS Procurement Division Master Service Agreement contracts. The Master Service Agreements are designed for small moves. You can also use the Master Service Agreements for larger moves when the administrative effort to prepare a bid, conduct a walk-through for bidders, and develop a separate contract is not warranted. You may also use the Master Service Agreements for moves that cannot be clearly defined at walk-through for prospective bidders.

    Take full advantage of the DGS Procurement Division
    Master Service Agreements that provide low hourly rates for experienced help and equipment. The time chargeable to your job is clearly defined. Charges for packing containers are set.  The contractor is properly insured and specially bonded. The contractor also agrees to meet the prevailing wage requirements of Government Code Section 14920. When using this Master Service Agreement, you should:

    1. Ensure persons arranging moves receive copies of the Master Service Agreement. If you have trouble getting a copy, you can get one from the DGS Transportation Management Unit.
    2. Provide the contractor with two working days notice. Indicate your agency's five- digit billing codes on your work orders.Contract hourly rates do not apply to work performed on federal holidays.
    3. Expedite payment of bills for work done under the Master Service Agreement.
    4. Submit written reports to the DGS Transportation Management Unit of any incidents where the contract moving company fails to perform under the Master Service Agreement.
  2. You may go out for competitive bid for specifically defined work for a lump sum amount. If you cannot define the work at a walk-through conducted for prospective bidders, you may get bids for services at hourly rates. Bid contracts can be up to one year in length. Use the following outline of procedures to obtain competitive lump sum bids. Use similar procedures in preparing bids and contracts for services at hourly rates.
    1. Invite at least three PUC licensed local moving companies to attend a one-time walk-through.Hand out specifications and bid proposal forms.Explain and show all work (including cartons) at the origin and destination that is to be included in the lump sum bid. Advise bidders of tentative dates and hours of the move.State if the move needs to take place during or after normal working hours. Notify moving company representatives that the winning bidder must sign a Standard Agreement, STD. 213, and that the mover will be charged with repair or replacement of damage to building or any items lost, damaged, or stolen while in the carrier's custody.See (3800) A–1 in the Appendix.
    2. To avoid misunderstandings on major jobs, you must get sealed bids.Open them publicly at a set time and date. On small jobs, all of the movers can submit bids at the same time immediately after the walk-through. You must make the award to the lowest responsible bidder.
    3. Use Standard Agreement, STD. 213, with appropriate specifications for contracting lump sum work. For help with contract specifications, contact the DGS Transportation Management Unit.
    4. You must include the following paragraph about prevailing wages in any competitive bid contract and bid specifications for commercial moving.
      • Prevailing Wages

        No contractor performing hereunder shall pay any employee actually engaged in the moving and handling of goods being relocated under such contract less than the prevailing wage rate, except in geographical areas where no such employee wage standards and conditions are reasonably available. The term "prevailing wage rate" means the rate paid to a majority of workmen engaged in the particular craft, classification or type of work within the locality if a majority of such workmen be paid at a single rate; if there be no single rate being paid to a majority, then the rate being paid the greater number. Upon written request wage rates prevailing at the particular point in time will be furnished for information purposes only.

        When you receive written requests from prospective bidders or contractors for prevailing wage rates, you must convey in writing the need for the desired wage rate information to the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research. The geographical areas in which the moving services are to be performed must be included in your request.
    5. You must include any required goals, preferences or incentives in your contracting process.

See SAM Section 1200 for contract requirements.

Old Office Records. See SAM Section 1684. Records in record center boxes shipped in volume to or from State Records Centers, or elsewhere, should be transported as general freight.  Describe the shipment as follows:

Old office records, each package released to a value not exceeding 3 1/2 cents per pound.

DGS contracts with small parcel delivery services carriers are the least costly and should be used for small shipments of old office records.


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