(Revised: 03/2007)
When officers or employees are notified that they will be moving, CCR, Title 2, Section 599.724 requires that they are given a copy of the relevant CCR, Title 2 regulations covering Moving and Relocation Expenses.

Payment for moving costs of household goods is authorized by Government Code Section
19841. The Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) regulations must be followed when requesting reimbursement.

SAM Section
8572.1 discusses withholding and reporting taxes of payments for moving household goods.

When arranging employee moves, try to use the State's List of Eligible Carriers. It is not recommended that employees contract for their own moves. If the employees do, they may not get all the advantages in the state's master contract.  The low rates in the master contract may save employees a large amount of money if they exceed the authorized limit and are required to pay their share of the costs.


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