(Revised: 03/2007)
It is the employee's responsibility to examine housing availability at the new location.

Represented employees must keep lodging receipts. Otherwise, you will be reimbursed at the non-commercial per diem rate.

Lodging receipts are not required for nonrepresented employees. You may claim the appropriate statewide relocation allowance for every full 24-hour period.

Reimbursement for less than 24 hours shall be at the appropriate meal and/or lodging rate.

If you request per diem for more than 30 days, the amount is treated as income and taxed accordingly. In order to guarantee reimbursement for all expenses (tax deductions if over 30 days), the employee should retain all receipts for the relocation period. This includes lodging, meal, and incidental expenses. Establishments are required by law to furnish receipts upon request.

In order to support getting paid for all expenses, or for taking advantage of possible tax deductions, you should keep all receipts of the relocation period. By law, businesses must give you receipts upon request.


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