Public Safety agencies are required to utilize services and contracts provided by the OPSCS to obtain all forms of public safety communications, including voice, video, radio, and data services.
Use of Consolidated Services
Communications is an essential element to the successful delivery of public safety services within state government. The state’s public safety communications infrastructure should be leveraged to streamline processes, enhance interagency and intergovernmental coordination, and rapidly deliver quality services to the people of California.
Enabling communications technology is expensive and requires highly skilled, trained staff to manage and operate. The ability to spread the costs for the purchase, operation, and maintenance of this technology over a large base of users allows the state to develop, provide, and expand services at the lowest overall costs to the state.
Economies of scale allow the state to:
- Leverage its purchasing power as a single entity.
- Maximize the use of its infrastructure.
- Reduce redundant and duplicative networks.
- Reduce staff requirements by centralizing highly skilled resources for all public safety agencies to access.
Considering the above philosophy, OPSCS develops, implements, and manages a variety of statewide telecommunications services that are designed to accommodate multiple state agency users. Public Safety agencies shall consider utilizing consolidated services whenever and wherever available.
Refer to the PSCSG for information on consolidated services, availability, rates, and ordering procedures.
Radio Installation, Modifications, and Maintenance
any installation, modification, or maintenance, including the programming of radio frequencies of radio and microwave transmitting equipment licensed to the state, must be done by, or with the technical approval of, DGS.
Radio Transmitter Licensing
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) must license all radio transmitting devices before being put into service. The OPSCS performs all processes required to obtain the licenses for all public safety radio equipment owned or operated by the state. This includes the frequency coordination with other users required before application can be made to FCC
Purchase of Radio and Electronics Equipment
The purchase of public safety radio and related electronic equipment requires OPSCS technical review and approval.
Availability of Services to Public Agencies
All communications services provided to state public safety agencies shall also be available to any public agency operating within the state on terms that may be agreed upon by the agency and DGS
No Revisions for this item.