CALNET Contract Services Delegations apply only to Non-Exempt State Entities.
Non-Exempt State Entities must obtain a CALNET Contract Services Delegation to purchase and implement specific designated services from the CALNET Contracts. Designated services are identified in the CALNET service catalogs.
All CALNET Contract Services Delegations are granted for a limited term based on the term of the CALNET Contracts and may be subject to conditions or stipulations.
Office of Technology Services (OTech) reserves the right to continue oversight of activities of Non-Exempt State Entities related to the implementation of services that have been delegated.
A CALNET Contract Services Delegation may be granted for one or more of the following activities for specific telecommunications projects or acquisitions:
- Project planning
- Design and development
- Project oversight
- Installation
- Operation and maintenance.
No Revisions for this item.