(Revised: 10/2023)


The following definitions of administrative and technical terms are provided to assist Agencies/state entities in their application of information technology (IT) policy.

The primary source for technical definitions is the Information Processing Systems Technical Report, American National Dictionary for Information Processing Systems, developed by the American National Standards Committee, X3 Information Processing Systems. In some cases, the definitions have been modified to meet state needs.

Accessibility/Accessible: Individuals with disabilities are able to acquire the same information, engage in the same activities, perform the same functions, and accessthe same content and services as individuals without disabilities, with similar ease.

Agency: This term refers to one of the state's umbrella Agencies. Umbrella Agencies include the Natural Resources Agency, California Environmental Protection Agency, Government Operations Agency, Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, California State Transportation Agency, Labor Agency and the California Health and Human Services Agency.

Agency-affiliated State Entities: This term refers to State entities that are governed by one of the state's umbrella Agencies. See definition of Agency.

Agency Information Management Strategy: An Agency’s/state entity’s information management strategy is the Agency’s/state entity’s comprehensive plan for using IT to address its business needs, e.g., to successfully carry out its programmatic mission. Ideally, the Agency’s/state entity’s information management strategy represents one aspect of a well-defined, overall Agency/state entity business strategy and is therefore closely aligned to its business strategy. If the Agency/state entity has not established a business strategy, Agency/state entity staff that are responsible for the Agency/state entity information management strategy must make assumptions based on their knowledge of the Agency’s/state entity’s overall mission, its program resources and priorities, and the changing nature of its environment.

Ancillary Solicitation: An acquisition that may be necessary to achieve and/or support the primary procurement activities and objectives of an IT project. An IT project may be supported by many Ancillary Solicitations.

Assistive Technology: Any item, piece of equipment, software, or system that is designed to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Business Strategy: An Agency’s/state entity’s business strategy is its overall plan for accomplishing its mission in a changing environment with the resources it can reasonably expect to be available. Such a strategy typically addresses the Agency’s/state entity’s statutory mission and historical role, the expectations of its key stakeholders (individuals and organizations that affect the Agency/state entity or that the Agency/state entity affects), the factors that are critical to its success as an organization, the Agency’s/state entity’s internal strengths and weaknesses, and the political, social, economic, and technological forces in its environment that support or constrain its programs. Business strategies articulate the key issues that must be successfully addressed by the Agency/state entity and identify the priorities and required resources for proposed actions. A strategy may have a timeframe that is as short as a few months. However, most Agency/state entity business strategies present a three- to five-year perspective, with some Agencies/state entities finding it useful to extend their strategic vision as much as ten to 20 years into the future. Strategic planning is not a one-time effort; it is a fundamental, continuing management process that allows the Agency/state entity to respond in an effective manner to a changing environment.

California Project Management Framework: The California Project Management Framework (CA-PMF) is a collection of project management best practices and scalable resources, tools, and templates to be used by project management practitioners to effectively plan and manage projects. The CA-PMF is based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), as well as project management lessons learned in the State of California.

Cloud Computing: A model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interactionThis cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS): A computer hardware or software product that is ready-made for specific uses and available for sale to the general public. COTS products are designed to be installed without requiring custom development. For example, Microsoft Office is a COTS product that is a packaged software solution for businesses and individuals. The set of rules for COTS is defined by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

Computer Accessibility: In human-computer interaction, computer accessibility (also known as accessible computing) refers to the accessibility of a computer system to all people, regardless of ability.

Confidential Information: Information maintained by Agencies/state entities that is exempt from disclosure under the provisions of the California Public Records Act (Government Code sections 7920.000-7931.000) or other applicable state or federal laws. See SAMSection 5320.4.

Continuing Costs: Costs associated with the operation and maintenance of an IT system or application after development and implementation of the system.

Critical Application: An application that is so important to the state that the loss or unavailability of the application is unacceptable. With a critical application, even short- term unavailability of the information provided by the application would have a significant negative impact on the health and safety of the public or state workers, including the fiscal or legal integrity of state operations, or on the continuation of essential Agency/state entity programs.

Data: A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automated means.

Data Processing: The systematic performance of operations upon data, e.g., handling, merging, sorting, computing. Synonymous with information processing.

Data Processing System: A system, including computer systems and associated IT personnel, that performs input, processes storage, output, and control functions to accomplish a sequence of operations on data.

Data/Information Storage: The retaining of data/information on any of a variety of mediums (i.e., magnetic disk, optical disk, or magnetic tape) from whichthedatacan be retrieved.

Data Transmission: The conveying of data from one functional unit to one ormore additional functional units through the transmission of signals by wire, radio, lightbeam, or any other electromagnetic means. (Voice or video transmissions are notconsidered data transmission for the purposes of statepolicy.)

Project Cost Delegation:  See SAM Section4819.39

Development: Activities or costs associated with the analysis, design,programming, staff training, data conversion, acquisition, and implementation of new ITapplications.

Department of General Services (DGS)DelegatedPurchasingAuthority: ThroughStatutoryAuthority,DGS may grant delegated purchasing authority toAgencies/state entities to procure non-information technology goods and information technologygoods and services with a total cost equal to or less than the delegated purchasingauthority amount under each category, as defined within the State Contracting Manual(SCM), Volume 3, Chapter1.

Domain Name Service: A series of computer databases that resolve or linkInternet Protocol (IP) addresses with an alphanumeric domain name. Domain namesare divided into hierarchical fields separated by a period. The field to the farthest right isthe top-level (or first-level) domain, in “” for example, "gov" is the top-level domain.In the same example, "ca" is the second-level within the domain, and the field to the leftof the second-level domain is the third-level domain (e.g., Names that fallto the right of the domain following a "/" are subdirectories of the domain(e.g.,

Electronic and Information Technology (EIT or E&IT): Includes IT and anyequipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment that is used in thecreation, conversion, or duplication of data or information. The term electronic and IT includes,but is not limited to, telecommunications products (such as telephones, cell phones,smart phones, and radio receivers), information kiosks and transaction machines, WorldWide Web sites, multimedia, and office equipment such as copiers and faxmachines.

Emergency: “A sudden, unexpected occurrence that poses a clear andimminent danger,requiringimmediateactiontopreventormitigatethelossorimpairmentoflife, health, property, or essential public services”. SAM Section 6560 specifies thatwhen the Governor declares an emergency, expenditures cannot exceed $25,000,unless approvedbytheDepartmentofFinance.

Hardware: See Information Technologyequipment.

Hybrid Cloud: The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds).

Information Processing: The systematic performance of operations upon data,e.g., handling, merging, sorting, computing. Synonymous with dataprocessing.

Information Technology: Information technology (IT) means all computerizedand auxiliary automated information handling, including systems design andanalysis, conversionofdata,computerprogramming,informationstorageandretrieval, voice, video, data communications, microwave, light ware, routers, networkequipment, requisite systems controls,and simulation.

InformationTechnologyActivities: Anyactivitylistedbelow,oranycombination of theseactivitiesforasingleITproject,istobeconsideredan"ITactivity."

  1. IT facility preparation, operation and maintenance.
  2. Information management planning.
  3. Feasibility determination, development and implementation of application systems or programs, or changes to application systems or programs to meet new or modified needs, or maintenance, including: Project Approval Lifecycle Stage/Gate deliverable preparation, systems analysis, systems design, purchase and installation of software, programming, conversion of data or programs, documentation of systems and procedures, and project appraisal or assessment.
  4. Operation of application systems or programs including handling, assembling, or editing of input-output data or media where IT equipment or IT personnel are used.
  5. Information Technology Procurement.
  6. Installation, operation, and maintenance of data processing equipment, IT equipment, goods and services, and software.
  7. Other installation management activities including performance measurement, system tuning, and capacity management.
  8. Preparation and administration of requests for proposals or bid solicitations for contracts for any of the above activities.
  9. Preparation of contracts, interagency agreements, and purchase estimates for any of the above activities.
  10. Employment of personnel in support of, or directly related to, any of the above activities, including administration, technical services, clerical services, travel, training, and preparation of periodic and special reports.
  11. Control functions directly related to any of the above activities.

IT Equipment: Information Technology devices used in the processing ofdata electronically. The following are examples of ITequipment:

  1. Mainframes and all related features and peripheral units, including processor storage, console devices, channel devices, etc.;
  2. Minicomputers, midrange computers, personal computers, laptop, tablets, smart phones and all peripheral units associated with such computers;
  3. Special purpose systems including word processing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), bar code readeFrs/scanners, and photo composition;
  4. Communication devices used for transmission of data such as modems, data sets, multiplexors, concentrators, routers, switches, local area networks, private branch exchanges, network control equipment, and microwave or satellite communications systems; and
  5. Input-output (peripheral) units (off-line or on-line) including display screens, optical character readers, magnetic tape units, mass storage devices, printers, video display units, data entry devices, plotters, scanners, or any device used as a terminal to a computer and control units for these devices.

Information Technology Expenditure: The expenditure of funds regardless ofsource by any Agency/state entity for IT activities, equipment, facilities, personnel,services, supplies and the automated processing ofinformation.

Information Technology Infrastructure: An Agency’s/state entity’s IT infrastructureis the base or foundation for the delivery of information to support theAgency’s/state entity’s programs and management. The infrastructure contains elements uponwhich an Agency’s/state entity’s IT activities are dependent. An Agency/state entitymust therefore define, implement, and manage these infrastructure elements toemployIT successfully.

The desirable characteristics of this infrastructure are efficient support forthe exchange of information within the Agency/state entity, and between theAgency/state entityandotherorganizations;reliableavailabilityofinformationprocessingcapabilities whenever and wherever they are needed; preservation of the integrityand confidentiality of information maintained by the Agency/state entity; sufficientflexibility to allow the timely and efficient addition of new information managementcapabilities and modifications of established capabilities; and consistency with a coherent setof technicalandmanagerialstandardsfortheemploymentofIT.

Typical elements in an IT infrastructureinclude:

Application Systems: The applications that an Agency/state entitypurchases and/or develops to achieve personal productivity and program supportbenefits.

Architecture: The guidelines or blueprints an Agency/state entity followsin designing, acquiring, and implementing IT solutions. Organizationallyapproved definitions, specifications, and standards are the primary components inan Agency’s/state entity’sIT architecture.

Communications: Local area and wide area network components,including linkages withother organizations.

Equipment: An Agency’s/state entity’s hardware platforms andcomponents ranging from individual personal computers to mainframes andassociated peripherals.

Facilities: The electrical, ventilation, fire suppression, physical security,wiring, and other components required to support an Agency’s/state entity’s ITcapability, including the physical structureitself.

Funding: Current and projected funding for IT planning,acquisition, development, and operationsactivities.

Partnerships: Relationships with other public and private sectororganizations that support and enable the Agency’s/state entity’s pursuit and use ofIT.

People: An Agency’s/state entity’s technical staff, user community groups,and executive steering and oversight committees that are charged with ITplanning, approval, development, management, operations, and securityresponsibilities.

Plans: Detailed designs or methods for aligning IT activities withAgency/state entity business strategies and accomplishing business objectives.Typical Agency/state entity IT plans includes strategic, risk management, andoperational recovery.

Policies: The rules, conventions, and protocols adopted by theAgency/state entity to govern the pursuit and useof IT.

Processes and Procedures: The defined steps for planning,approving, acquiring, developing, operating, maintaining, enhancing, and using IT withinthe Agency/stateentity.

Service Definitions: The types of services provided, accepted servicelevels, and service delivery time frames established for an Agency’s/state entity’sIT supportorganization.

Software: The set of operating system, utility, communications, userinterface, and management programs that enable users to operate and controlcomputers and develop applicationsystems.

The infrastructure includes elements owned by the Agency/state entityand available under contract or through interagency agreement. ForAgencies/state entities that employ the services of a consolidated data center, for example,the required data center resources are considered part of the Agency’s/stateentity’s infrastructure.

Reengineering the Business Process: The search for and implementationof radical changes in business processes that result in dramaticefficiencies, reductions in turnaround time, improvements in quality, or improvementsin customerservice.

Strategic Planning Process for Information Technology: The processof aligning Agency/state entity plans for, and uses of, IT with theAgency’s/state entity’s businessstrategies.

Information Technology Procurement: Any process to obtain ITgoods/services through competitive, non-competitive, purchase or lease, for the benefit of theState. Sometimes referred to as contracting, purchase oracquisition.

Information Technology Project: A unique endeavor involving activities requiredto plan, design, develop, implement, operate and maintain an InformationTechnology (IT) solution that meets a specific and measurable policy or programmaticobjective. IT projects include the entire systems development lifecycle from projectinitiation through the normalized operational cycle. IT activities related to the refresh ofnon- data center hardware required to operate an IT project shall not be considered anIT project. See SAM Section 4819.37 for Project DelegationCriteria.

Information Technology Project Oversight Framework: Minimum requirementsfor IT project management, risk management, and IT project oversight activitiesfor Agencies/ state entities. Description of control agency project reportingrequirements and processes for assessing Agency/state entity project management andoversight activities. See SIMM Section 45.

Information Technology Personnel: All state personnel employed in ITor telecommunications classifications as defined by the Department of HumanResources or by the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges, and all personnelof other classifications in Agencies/state entities who perform IT activities for at least50 percent of their time. Users of personal computers and office automation arenot included in this category unless they are in IT classifications or spend at least50 percent of their time performing ITactivities.

Information Technology Supplies: All consumable items and necessities(excluding equipmentdefinedasITequipment)tosupportinformationtechnologyactivitiesandIT personnel,including:

  1. Documents (such as standards and procedures manuals, vendor-supplied systems documentation, and educational or training manuals);
  2. Equipment supplies (such as printer cartridges and magnetic tape); and
  3. Furniture (such as terminal tables and printer stands).

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The capability provided to the consumeris to provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamentalcomputing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, whichcan include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage orcontrol the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems;storage, deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select networkingcomponents (e.g., hostfirewalls).

Input-Output Unit/Device: A unit or device in an IT system by in which data maybe entered into the system, received from the system, orboth.

Life Cycle: The anticipated length of time that the IT system or application canbe expected to be efficient, cost-effective and continue to meet the Agency’s/stateentity’s programmatic requirements. Synonymous with operationallife.

Maintenance: Activities or costs associated with the ongoing upkeep ofoperational applications of IT. Maintenance includes correcting flaws, optimizing existing systemsor applications, responding to minor changes in specified user requirements, renewal of equipment maintenance agreements, software or hardware upgrade or refreshto maintain the health of the systems, and meeting normal workload increasesusing substantially the same applications, facilities, IT personnel, supplies andsoftware.

Metadata: Information about a dataset that makes it easier to find, understand and use.  Metadata may describe the dataset’s structure, elements, creation, access, format, and content. Metadata may also include the title and description, method of collection, limitations, author, publisher, area and time period covered, license, date and frequency of release.

Microservice Architecture: An approach to software development where an application is built as a collection of small, independent services. Each service focuses on a specific function and can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. They communicate through Application Programming Interface (API), and the architecture promotes decentralization, loose coupling, independent scaling, and technology diversity. It enables fault isolation, resilience, and continuous deployment. Microservice architectures offer benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and faster development, but also introduce complexities. Overall, they provide a modular and agile approach to building and evolving applications.

Mobile Web: Mobile web refers to access to the Internet or Web applications usinga mobile device, such as a smart phone connected to a wirelessnetwork.

Multi-Cloud: Multi-Cloud refers to an approach in cloud computing where an organization or individual utilizes the services and resources of multiple cloud service providers simultaneously. It involves distributing workloads, applications, and data across different cloud platforms, instead of relying on a single cloud provider.

Network Equipment: Equipment facilitating the use of a computer network.This includes routers, switches, hubs, gateways, access points, network bridges,modems, firewalls, and other related hardware andsoftware.

Non-affiliated State Entities: This term refers to State entities that are not governedby an Agency. See definition of Agency.

Non-Delegated Project: An IT Project that meets one or more of the criteria listedin SAM Section 4819.37. Non-Delegated Projects must be formally approved bythe Department of Technology through the Project Approval Lifecycle. Agency/stateentity directors are delegated approval authority for IT Projects that do not meet any ofthe criteria listed in SAM Section4819.37.

One-Time Costs: Costs associated with the analysis, design, programming,verification and validation services, staff training, data conversion, acquisition, andimplementation of new IT applications. See SIMM Section 19F (Financial AnalysisWorksheets).

Open Data: Data that can be freely accessed, used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose ( For, open data is regularly updated and comes from an authoritative source.

Open Source Software: Software that includes distribution terms that comply withthe following criteria provided by the Open Source Initiative. The open sourcedefinition used here is from the Open Source Initiative and is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution 2.5 License(

  1. Free Redistribution: The software can be given as part of a package with other applications;
  2. Source Code: The code must either be distributed with the software or easily accessible;
  3. Derived Works: The code can be altered and distributed by the new author under the same license conditions as the product on which it is based;
  4. Integrity of the author's source code: Derived works must not interfere with the original author's intent or work;
  5. No discrimination against persons or groups;
  6. No discrimination against fields of endeavor: Distributed software cannot be restricted in who can use it based on their intent;
  7. Distribution of license: The rights of the program must apply to all to whom the program is re-distributed without need for an additional license;
  8. License must not be specific to a product; Meaning that an operating system product cannot be restricted to be free only if used with another specific product;
  9. License must not contaminate other software; and
  10. License must be technology-neutral.

Operational Life: SeeLife Cycle.

Operations: Activities or costs associated with the continued use of applications ofIT. Operations includes IT personnel associated with computer operations,including network operations, job control, scheduling, key entry, and the costs of computertime or other resources forprocessing.

Peripheral Unit/Device: With respect to a particular processing unit or device,any equipment that can communicate directly with that unit ordevice.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): The capability provided to the consumer isto deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applicationscreated using programming languages and tools supported by the provider. The consumerdoes not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure that includes network,servers, operating systems, or storage but has control over the deployed applicationsand possibly application-hosting environmentconfigurations.

Power Management: A feature of some electrical appliances, especiallycopiers, computers and computer peripherals such as monitors and printers, which turns offthe power or switches the system to a low-power state when inactive.

Previously Approved Effort/Project: An IT activity or project previouslyapproved by the California Department of Technology or the Agency’s/state entity’sexecutive officer in accordance with SAM Section 4819.3. Qualification of an activity asa previously approved effort requires an approved Stage 4 Project Readinessand Approval AND an approved Post-Implementation Evaluation Report (PIER).Applicable activities include meeting modified needs, improving the effectiveness of theactivity, program or system maintenance, or extension of existing services to new oradditional users performing essentially the same functions as those that the project wasdesigned to support. A previously approved effort/project must use substantially thesame equipment, facilities, technical personnel, supplies and software to meetsubstantially the same requirements or to meet normal workload increases. (Note: "Substantiallythe same equipment" does not include the addition, upgrade or replacement of acentral processingunit.)

Primary Solicitation: The acquisition that will procure and obtain the main ITGoods and/or Services for an IT project solution. An IT Project may only have onePrimary Solicitation, but may be supported by many AncillarySolicitations.

Private Cloud: The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.

Procurement Oversight: An independent review and analysis to determine ifthe procurement methodology is sound and feasible. Procurement Oversightincludes coaching, guidance and direction in all aspects of IT procurement. Oversightactivities may include procurement planning, assistance in developing deliverables, reviewand approval of procurement documents and the execution and award ofcontracts.

Program: A sequence of instructions suitable for processing. SeeInformation Processing or DataProcessing.

Programming: The designing, writing, testing, debugging, and documentationof programs.

Project: See Information TechnologyProject.

ProjectApprovalLifecycle(PAL): Thepolicy,proceduresandtemplatesthatmakeup the State of California’s process for gaining approval of IT projects. TheProject Approval Lifecycle is divided into four stages that are separated by gates. Each stageconsists of a set of prescribed, cross-functional, and parallel activities to developdeliverables used as the inputs for the next gate. The gates provide a series of “go/no go”decision points that request only the necessary and known information needed to makesound decisions for that particular point in time.  The four stages, which documentthe business analysis, alternatives analysis, solution development and projectreadiness analysis, must be approved by the Department of Technology prior to theencumbrance or expenditure of funds, including the use of staff resources, on any IT projectbeyond the ProjectApproval Lifecycle.

Project End Date: The proposed project end date should reflect the conclusionof project activities: The last date that proposed project activities are estimated tobe completed. This should exclude any activities related to the PostImplementation Evaluation Report(PIER).

Project Oversight: An independent review and analysis to determine if the project ison track to be completed within the estimated schedule and cost, and will providethe functionality required by the sponsoring business entity. Project oversight identifiesand quantifies any issues and risks affecting these projectcomponents.

Project Planning Start Date: The project planning start date is the date an Agency/state entity begins a Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis.  The planning phase of an IT project proposal begins with the Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis and ends atthe conclusionofStage4ProjectReadinessandApproval(Gate4).

Project Planning End Date: The project planning end date should reflectthe conclusion of project planning activities: The last date that project planning activitiesare estimated to be completed at the conclusion of Stage 4 Project Readiness andApproval (Gate4).

Project Start Date: The project start date is the date an IT project proposal isapproved and funded. For most projects dependent on a funding request, this datewill be July 1st of the year the project funding is approved. For projects withoutthis dependency, the project start date is the project approval date (Gate 4approval).

Proprietary Software: Computer programs that are the legal property of one party, the use of which is made available to a second or more parties, usually undercontract or licensingagreement.

Public Cloud: The public cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider.

Public Facing Applications: Applications available to the broadest base ofpotential users as well as designed and delivered with the intent of access by all individualsor organizations over the publicinternet.

Public Information: Any information prepared, owned, used or retained by an Agency/state entity and not specifically exempted from the disclosure requirementsof the California Public Records Act (Government Code sections 7920.000-7931.000) orother applicable state orfederal laws.

Sensitive Information: Information maintained by Agencies/state entities thatrequires special precautions to protect it from unauthorized modification or deletion. See SAM Section 5320.4. Sensitive information may be either public or confidential (asdefined above).

Server Room: Any space that houses computer operations. Such computeroperations could utilize mainframes, servers, or any computer resource functioning as aserver.

Shutdown:  Turning off the power in a controlledmanner.

Software: Programs, procedures, rules, and any associated documentationpertaining to the operation of a system (contrast withhardware).

Software as a Service (SaaS): The capability provided to the consumer isto use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applicationsare accessible from various client devices through a thin client interface such as aweb browser (e.g., web-based email). The consumer does not manage or controlthe underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems,storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limiteduser- specific application configurationsettings.

Staff Augmentation Procurement: The acquisition of contracted services toaddress state staff resource constraints or skill gaps for IT projectactivities.

Staff Redirection: The redirection of existing Agency/state entity staff resourcesto support IT project activities or backfill behind existing staff redirected to supportIT project activities. Contracted services are not considered StaffRedirection.

Stage/Gate Deliverables: The formal deliverable documents that support theProject ApprovalLifecycle.Stage/GatedeliverablesaretheStage1 – BusinessAnalysis,Stage 2 – AlternativesAnalysis,Stage3 – SolutionDevelopmentandStage4 – ProjectReadiness and Approval. Formal project approval occurs upon approval of the Stage 4Project Readiness andApproval.

State Entity: Includes every state office, officer, department, division, bureau,board, and commission, including Constitutional Officers. “State entity” does not includethe University of California, California State University, the State CompensationInsurance Fund, the Legislature, or the Legislative Data Center in the LegislativeCounsel Bureau.

Statewide Information Management Manual (SIMM)The StatewideInformation Management Manual (SIMM) as structured by the Department of Technologythat contains standards, procedures, instructions and guidelines, as well assamples, models, forms and communication documents that Agencies/state entities must use, or will find helpful to use, in complying with established state policy relatingto IT. For clarity, references in SIMM to "Department of Finance" that are not relatedto budget documents, such as Budget Change Proposals or Finance Letters, shouldbe read as references to the "California Department ofTechnology".

State Telecommunications Management Manual (STMM): TheState Telecommunications Management Manual (STMM), as structured by the Departmentof Technology, contains state telecommunications policies and procedures based on SAM 4500-4555 and Government Code Section 11534-11543. The STMM iscontinually updated to reflect current telecommunications policies and practices, and linksto helpful outside resources are included throughout theSTMM.

System Standby: A low-power mode for electronic devices such ascomputers, televisions, and remote controlled devices (aka “sleep mode”). These modessave significant electrical consumption compared to leaving a device fully on and idlebut allow the user to avoid having to reset programming codes or wait for a machineto reboot.

Technology Letter: Letters issued by the Department of Technology conveyingofficial communications regarding state IT, announcing new or changes to existing ITpolicies and procedures, or announcing new or changes to existing state IT servicesor standards.

Technology Modernization: Actions an organization takes to move away from an outdated and/or unsupported technology or process, to adopt, adapt, or upgrade its technology to current industry best practices and/or standards to allow stable, scalable, and resilient support of the business needs.

Technology Remediation: The act of correcting an error, or mitigating a threat, vulnerability or identified gap, or responding to unexpected events, or preventing negative outcomes after an assessment of existing technology and/or the business process.

Technology Stabilization: Actions an organization takes to sustain and/or improve the reliability and availability of its current technology to efficiently support its current business needs.

Telecommunications: Includes voice and data communications, the transmissionor reception of signals, writing, sounds, or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio,light beam, or any other electromagneticmeans.

Tenant Managed Services: Centralized Tier III-equivalent data center spaceproviding participating state Agencies/state entities the ability to operate their ownenvironment with a degree of independence in the overall management of their serverinfrastructure. Additionally, Agencies/state entities can plan utilization of the Tenant ManagedServices (TMS) as a disaster recoverysite.

Tier III-Equivalent Data Center: Data Center facility consisting of multiple activepower and cooling distribution paths; however, only one path is active. The facilityhas redundant components and is concurrently maintainable providing 99.982%availability.

Total Planning Cost: The total planning cost is the sum of all costs associated withthe planning activities conducted in Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis through Stage 4Project Readiness andApproval.

Total Project Cost: The total project cost is the sum of ALL costs associated withthe project planning phases (Stage 2 through Stage 4) and the project executionphase (design, development and implementation), plus one full year of maintenanceand operationscosts.

Validation: The process of evaluating software during or at the end of thedevelopment process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements.[IEEE-STD-610]

Verification: The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products ofa given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of thatphase. [IEEE-STD-610]

Virtualization: A framework or methodology of dividing the resources of acomputer into multiple execution environments, by applying one or more conceptsor technologies such as hardware and software partitioning, time-sharing, partialor complete machine simulation, emulation, quality of service, and manyothers.

Workgroup Collaboration Platform: Cloud-based collaboration tool that integrates features such as chat, conferencing, calendaring, notes, and attachments organized by topics and accessible through a specific URL or invitation. Within the platform, members can create channels or topics of conversation and collaborate through a shared workspace.

Workload Increase: Employing substantially the same resources (equipment,facilities, IT personnel, supplies, software) to process a greater volume of the same orsimilar information. The results of the processing are the same or similar outputs distributedto comparableusers.

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA): Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a security trust model that assumes that no entity should be inherently trusted, whether internal or external. It requires strict verification and authentication for users, devices, and applications seeking access to resources. The core principles of ZTA include least privilege access, micro-segmentation, network segmentation, continuous monitoring and analytics, and security automation and orchestration. By implementing these principles, ZTA aims to enhance security, minimize the impact of breaches, and protect sensitive data by consistently verifying and validating entities before granting access.


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