The SCO prepares a schedule of established positions (excluding blanket and other positions having serial numbers in the 900 series) as of June 30 of the past year that are authorized to extend beyond June 30, indicating the following for each budget function, in numerical order of budget function code:
- Class title.
- Position number—includes codes for department, reporting unit or function, class, and serial.
- The last four digits of the social security number and name (or "vacant" or "termin"). An asterisk will appear to the right of the name if the employee has OASDI coverage.
- Salary rate June 30 of the past year. If vacant, the minimum will be shown. Salary type and range code are also shown.
- Minimum and maximum salary for the class as of June 30 of the past year.
- Anniversary date—month and year of next adjustment authorized or estimated (month is shown by a two-digit code and year by a two-digit code, XX/XX). Shown as 99/99 if employee is at maximum pay in their class.
For positions paid on a monthly basis, are vacant, or for which the anniversary date is not known, the estimated anniversary date will be shown as 7 (July of the budget year) or 1 (January of the current year) for classes which have a merit or special in- grade salary adjustment, and an asterisk will appear to the right of the date.
- Appointment fraction if not full time. A four-digit code of which the first two digits are the numerator and the last two the denominator of the fraction. (0102 = 1/2 time; 0104 = 1/4 time; 0304 = 3/4 time; 1112 = 11/12 time, etc.)
- Position termination date—stated as 06 30 18 for June 30, 2018, or 12 31 18 for December 31, 2018.
- Positions to the nearest tenth expended for the past year by class within each reporting unit (or budget function). Position expenditures by individual position are not available and will not be required.
- Positions authorized by position for the current year to the nearest tenth.
- Positions authorized by position for the budget year to the nearest tenth. (Fractional positions extended at same fraction as authorized for the current year).
- Amount expended by class for the past year.
- Estimated expenditures by position for current year.
- Estimated expenditures by position for budget year.
The SCO tabulation will also include totals of positions and amounts expended by reporting unit (or budget function) within agency and a grand total for each agency code.
No Revisions for this item.