(Revised: 03/2009)

(Revised and renumbered from 6660 on 3/2009)

Subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 11357 specifically authorizes the DOF to “…review any estimate…for content including, but not limited to, the data and assumptions used in its preparation.”

A state agency is not required in all instances to obtain the concurrence of the DOF in its estimate of the fiscal impact of its proposed regulation on governmental agencies. Such concurrence is required when the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a regulation results in local agency costs or savings, in state agency costs or savings, or in other nondiscretionary instances such as local/state revenue increases or decreases which must be depicted on the STD. 399 as follows:

A.1 - Reimbursable Local Costs

B.1 - State Costs

A.2 - Non-Reimbursable Local Costs

B.2 - State Savings

A.3 - Local Savings

B.4 - Other

A.6 - Other

In addition, the DOF’s approval is required for the inclusion in any such estimate of any statement to the effect that reimbursement of local costs will be requested in a subsequent Governor’s Budget, Section A.1 (b) on the STD. 399.

Requests for the DOF’s concurrence in or approval of a cost estimate for a proposed regulation must be forwarded to the DOF Principal Program Budget Analyst assigned to the issuing state agency at least 30 days prior to the date on which the ―notice of proposed adoption‖ is to be issued. The completed STD. 399 must be submitted to the DOF along with copies of the calculations and assumptions leading to dollar estimates. Those calculations and assumptions must address the proposed regulation’s fiscal impact in the current fiscal year and in the two subsequent fiscal years. A copy of the local mandate determination and any attachments thereto must be retained by the issuing state agency in the rulemaking file required by Government Code Section 11347.3. Questions regarding any technical aspects of the state mandate law should be directed to that DOF analyst or other governmental agencies that may be affected by the proposed regulation.



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