Expenses for Applicants Called for Interviews - 0725

(Revised: 06/2014)

CALHR Rule 599.634 provides for per diem and travel expenses for non-State applicants who are called for interviews. Payments may be approved in advance by the appointing power.  Requests must meet the following conditions:

  1. Requests must be submitted prior to the actual travel date.
  2. Requests must include the following:
    1. Names and addresses of the applicant (applicant may not be a current state employee).
    2. Approximate amount of the anticipated expenses, including tax. (Payment may not exceed the current State rates.)
    3. Reason(s) why it is necessary to call the applicant for interview, i.e., position is hard to fill, recruitment for affirmative action, or disabled hire, etc.
    4. Title of position being filled.

Attach a copy of the approved request to the applicant's Travel Expense Claim prior to submission to the SCO.


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