Securities purchased as fund investments will be recorded as assets of the fund using the date on the Completed Investment Activity Report for Purchases (Report) provided by the State Treasurer’s Office. The transaction will be accounted for on the same date as the Report and the State Controller’s Office investment memorandum. Claims prepared for the purchase of securities will not be recorded in the agency/department accounts since no liability is incurred nor is there any change in the fund assets until the securities are purchased. Such claims shall serve as memorandum records pending the completion of the transaction, as evidenced by the Report.
Agencies/Departments that maintain savings accounts outside the centralized State Treasury System or have investments which they manage may receive requests from depository banks and other payers of interest for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not require a TIN for accounts of funds owned or controlled by the state. Agencies/Departments receiving such requests shall inform the requestor about the nature of the entity for which the investment or savings account is held. Agencies/Departments should not request a TIN from the Social Security Administration or IRS.